BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
It is nice to have a day at home, so DH and I will cover the run with greenhouse plastic to make the chickens a "sun room." They are old and not a fan of the snow anymore.
Yesterday was a MORF run, and I climbed up on the roof of the ranch house and did gutter duty, while those two toddler imitators (DH + MORF) ran around on the ground telling me to be careful while drinking a Fosters... :rolleyes: Okay so the Fosters is not toddler time...:lau
I did some cutting of the pine tree branches that were hanging over the roof as well. Why is it always the trees?
DS$ wrestles tonight and next week we will go watch in person.
We have an Adoption Ceremony to go to tomorrow morning for DS@'s little one that we have been enjoying for the past three years! What a relief that will be! Saturday we are heading to the trampoline park to celebrate because Gramma is just lookin for trouble. Note to self: Wear stretchy clothes!
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

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