BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
I have no idea what the sunrise looked like, I was out cold. Now that I am awake and sucking down some delicious coffee, I can say that the snow plow just came by to scrape the few inches of mostly wet and incredibly icy snow that fell before we headed home last night. It was a sketchy drive and we were counting the number of car tracks hitting the guard rails. I will appreciate shoveling snow and not going anywhere today!
Rest up, DL! :hugs
Enjoy the day, Cafe! Happy Boxing Day!
Bulge on back of the knee....Bakers cyst?
What's a microfracture...crack of a bone?
Surgeon pokes holes in the exposed bone of the tracheal grove where the patella glides. The holes are deep enough to reach the marrow and bring up blood and stem cells. This stimulates scar cartilage to grow over the exposed bone. It isn't as smooth or as strong as the original cartilage but it buys you time. It appears my time is up.
What I'd like to know is can I have the microfracture surgery again to buy me a little bit more time before I have to have a partial knee replacement where they will just do a repair in the tracheal groove with a nub attached to my patella or a replacement patella.
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