BYC Café

We have been having so much rain that now it is becoming a problem inQueensland Australia.

Mosquito-borne viruses triple in Queensland as La Niña provides ideal breeding conditions​


I get bitten by Mozzie around 4/5pm in the afternoon in the garden. Many years ago my whole flock had dry Fowlpox. I fear it will happen again. I have Moquito coil around their coops at night and I hope it works.
Sometimes 'bigger' isn't 'better'.
Truly. A bird like this has no business living in this climate.
I knew the farm I bought the eggs from had Leghorns in the mix. I only set brown or blue eggs. Colby's father must be the Leghorn. I wonder what's happened to him this winter.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I had a nice workout yesterday that helped with the leg. This morning I took the prescription pain meds. It is supposed to warm to near 30 today so I should be able to walk almost an hour with the girls. That always helps loosen up the painful area.
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
Yeah, I am sticking with the F and the C...
8F this morning and not warming up during the day with snow falling.
I am not a fan of mosquitoes. The West Nile virus is the summer plague around these parts ( on the plains.)
I am taking DH bowling tomorrow because it will be good for him and supporting a small bowling alley with good food is fun.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!

I will check on the hearing issue, (I know he has one!), but I will see if it happens to be the root cause of this dizziness if it persists after the steroids leave his system. Thanks!

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