BYC Café

Does he have a sensor? My buddy at work has been using sensors for over 2 years now. Prior to using them, he had EMTs called to the house at least 3-4 times a year. Since using the sensors, they've never been back.
They train dogs to alert for that as well.
Good Morning everyone!
As long as members from SS hasn't gotten it yet there is 1-2 cups left in my coffee pot, well that's depending on how big of a cup you have but there's also Hot Cocoa packets next to the coffee pot and tea bags in a canister in the cupboard along with more hot cocoa packets if the ones on top are all gone.
There was freezing rain/sleet predicted for the North to North West of Richmond Va over night then it turned into rain and now my area is getting T-storms with lightening. What a fun day this is going to be?
Right now H and the dogs are still sleeping so I'm enjoying my 2nd cup of coffee while doing computer work.
Has anyone seen or heard from Packy?
I think the worst of the freezing rain has passed south of us. @aart, how're you doing?
Barely there layer of ice almost covered by a barely there dusting of snow with temps just below freezing. Traffic on my road moving at normal speeds now, was slow earlier. We shall see how my errand run goes, both on the roads and walking in and out of destinations. Will be employing an even shorter crone shuffle than usual.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. About an inch of fresh snow being covered by freezing rain. Must be slippery out there as there has been no traffic on our road this morning. Due to warm up shortly. I'll wait to activate.

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