BYC Café

The pies are in the oven...
MORF is back "home." I am not sure how he is feeling about it. He was the center of attention up there. He has been told to weed out the negative people that upset him and situations as much as possible. I think this may get a little interesting! I think I am on the "good" / "positive" list. LOL! My DH..., probably not and he can stress a person out if they are not paying attention for sure.
This whole can't see well, can't hear well, can't think fast is quite the muddle!
We are also getting snow and cold tomorrow. I was really enjoying the mid 60's!
How was the wind for you last night?
Sounded a bit scary here but no damage.
Yeah, it was quite noisy here last night. There were sticks all over the road, but nothing big. A tarp came off one of the woodpiles, but that's about it. There might be some "volunteer" firewood out there; haven't gone to look yet.

They keep lessening the snow amounts we might get tomorrow. I'm guessing we'll get a half inch.

Hubby is going to go get a Jets pizza tomorrow. He said it's fine reheated, and he wants that for game day dinner.
she had laid an egg in crate and wasn't ticking...
Oh... she was ticking alright. You just couldn't hear all the things she was saying about you for taking her out of her cozy fluffy nest where she was preparing to present you with her much sought after winter egg and tossing her on cold wire in the clink!
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Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

Yesterday's excursion with the dogs was certainly interesting. Most of the freezing rain from days before combined with the blazing sun and made huge areas of slippery surfaces. I grabbed Bella by the collar to get her out of the car to keep her from firing off across it at full speed and having her rip a ligament. I took her into the grassier sections to release her and yelled at her when she was running toward the ice. She got the message right away and never ran over any of it.

Piper only lasted 10 minutes before I was walking around looking like a pregnant mutant with the baby's very strange looking head coming out at my chest.
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee and the giggles!
Book group was fun and the pies are gone.
It did dust some snow and they are decreasing the impacts of snow for the next few days, but now they are saying watch out for next Friday... LOL!
I think I have 3 sets of Magpies trying to nest in our general area. All of the smaller sticks are being fought over and tested for weight? strength? flexibility? whatever a bird can discern by picking up a particular stick.
Enjoy the day, Cafe!
I ordered my garden seeds (finally!). I usually do it in December/January. Oh well. Nothing was sold out except rhubarb crowns, and I might just ask my neighbor for another start off her wild and crazy rhubarb mound. The ones I bought from the store were NOWHERE near as big an healthy as the start she gave me two years ago. And I discovered I love rhubarb jam.

I also ordered a nuc to replace the colony of honey bees that died. Hopefully I won't be ordering a second one...

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