BYC Café

We're going to the Home and Garden Show in Grand Rapids today with another BYCer. First we'll have lunch, then wander around the show for awhile.

Hubby and I haven't been to the H&G show in years, decades, probably. Not sure what we'll see, but maybe I'll get some ideas for something.
Dave and I went to one once. I was underwhelmed but then again, I'm not your average homeowner. Or so I was once told by a home inspector.

Bella loves, and I mean LOVES, to eat any little pieces of charcoal that fall onto the hearth when I load the stove. This morning, I picked one off the front stove ledge for her and she crunched away like it was candy. It's good for removing toxins from the system so she can have them whenever they fall.
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
The 4 lb snack is doing well and my cat still is not happy with me.
My neighbor will take care of the dog for the day that we are away to watch the Regionals for DS$. She is scared of dogs and asked if he bites and then she met him and fell in love. LOL!
Have fun at the H&G show, Sally!
Have fun looking at pics, DL! I hope the coffee is good!
So I have been a bit paranoid about diabetes and pre-d with all of my friends' issues and my brother having toes amputated and such and my Mom having her circulation stuff, which she took as her ticket out. I even live in CO which is supposed to be the healthiest state, blah, blah, blah. For the past 3 weeks, I have done an early morning blood sugar check once a week and it has registered 88 all 3 times, so I think I can breathe... now to get my DH to check his but I don't know if he would change anything anyway or just be adding to my stress over his health decline. I can only feed, water, and exercise him to a certain degree and then, "NO!" LOL!
I will ponder and try to nudge him to see what happens. We are up to the 2 mile mark on our walks though.
Anyway, ENJOY the day , Cafe! Do something fun this weekend, too!

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