BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
DS$ got 4th which makes him an NCAA D2 All American
and the team won the Team Championship and the Coach got the year's Coaching award. They came back with lots of hardware!
It was a fantastically ROWDY and super fun experience.
Now, I need to take MORF shopping...
Congratulations to all! That does sound like a hell of a fun time!
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee. Happy Birthday, Tonya. :hugs
Good morning and thanks for the hot coffee!
DS$ got 4th which makes him an NCAA D2 All American
and the team won the Team Championship and the Coach got the year's Coaching award. They came back with lots of hardware!
It was a fantastically ROWDY and super fun experience.
Now, I need to take MORF shopping...
Well done. Congratulations.
Happy birthday first of all @DobieLover
I woke like 10:30 this morning.
Mocha my standard poodle spent his first night in crate at 45 weeks old. He barked most the night.
I went out at 7:30 let all the dogs out went back to bed.
I had to get my trainer hat on don't want a dog that is all bad dog.
How's it going with the shot? Still effective?
It is! I'm much better. I still feel pain with deeper stretching but overall I can't complain.

HTG is helping me tear out my old rotted raised garden beds so the site can be prepped and I can build my new beds. He'll also help refill the new beds. We are going to cut up and line the bottom foot+ of each bed with the poplar trees that he dropped 2 years ago. I can't wait to get that work done so I'm ready for planting season when it arrives.

And I'm not going to deny that it's very fun working with him! We always have a lot of laughs. And let us not forget the eye candy part...
Bella needed her rabies booster before April 2 and the local humane society had a clinic tonight. So I left early to get in line over a 1/2 hour before it started. I still ended up at the end of a big long line!
As we finally worked our way to the entrance, somebody's Pitbull tore out of the owners grasp and went after a man's two small dogs. He was able to pull his dogs up on their leashes and get them in his arms so the pitbull went after the next small dog he found and attacked it. Other people waiting in line all went after the pitbull and finally pulled a little dog away from it.
But everybody was focused on controlling the attacker and the poor little terrified dog was trying to get away and was running unsteadily along the fence. When I saw how scared it was I knew somebody needed to grab him. I was just this close to having the people I had been talking to hold Bella's leash for me so I could go grab the little dog. Unfortunately it ran around the back of the building, found a spot underneath the fence and took off and they couldn't find him.

By the time I got to the restaurant for my dinner celebration my hands and body were still shaking because I was so upset over witnessing that whole thing unfold and felt horrible not only for the little dog but his poor owners. I can't even fathom what they are going through.

I was also immensely grateful for having locked Piper in my car with the windows cracked. She may very well have been in that dog's line of sight when it ripped away from its owners grasp to go after another dog. No, the Pitbull had neither leash nor harness on it. It was just running free.

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