BYC Member Interview - Muscovy Wunda


BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
@Muscovy Wunda

Come say hello to Muscovy Wunda! She's been a member since November 2018 and comes to us from Australia.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. And is there a story behind your member name?
I'm a mum of three kids and live in rural (almost remote) Australia on a large sheep station. I have lived on 4 different stations since starting my poultry journey, and have learnt alot along the way.

So the story behind my member name is my first set of ducks, Wunda and Winnona. They were the most beautiful muscovy lawn ornaments, and sprouted my love for poultry. I came here with questions about them, and eventually signed up as a member and never looked back. Sadly Winnona was taken by a fox along with our chickens and I rehomed Wunda but I still think of them both everytime I open BYC.

2. Why and when did you start keeping poultry?
Like most people, we saw the appeal of having our own chickens for eggs. So when we first moved to a farm with a chicken run 7years ago, we headed to a nearby auction and brought three "pullets" named kentucky, sunflower and Henny penny (Henny turned into a rooster) and of course fell in love with the cute ducks which were Wunda and Winona.

3. Which aspects of poultry keeping do you enjoy the most?
Having had a few different breeds over the years, I really enjoy learning the different traits of each breed/ type of fowl and I really enjoy getting to learn all the birds different little personalities.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?
Wunda and Winnona stand out because they were my first loves in the poultry world. But there was a special hen that was actually part of my husbands flock, Blossom, the biggest, rolliest buff orpington with the most loving personality to boot! She was a sweetheart and the friendliest chicken I ever had the grace of feeding.

5. What was the funniest poultry related thing that has happened to you in your years as an owner? Oh gosh the broody muscovies for sure! Not funny at the time but when I think back to how many times I have been chased I can imagine how hilarious it must have been to watch me try scale a fence with a basket of eggs and a fire breathing feathery dragon hot on my heels.

6. Beside poultry, what other pets do you keep?
We keep whatever decides it wants us to keep it! We have 4 dogs (3 are sheep dogs) and to date we have 5 cats and a kitten, the majority of the cats just decided to domesticate themselves and move in with us. We also have 3 poddy lambs and have about another 10000 in paddocks we tend to but I guess they aren't exactly pets.

7. Anything you'd like to add?
You'll never regret jumping on the chicken train. Even with the heart ache that comes with keeping poultry (and there will be heart ache) it's all worth it for those early mornings sitting in the sunshine watching the hens scratch around the garden, or the ducks waddling to the pond for a splash, or mr peacock fanning out his fabulous tail trying to win his girls heart. Just watching chickens be chickens and ducks be ducks is so good for the soul.

the girls that started it all
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fire breathing broody
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@Muscovy Wunda

For more information about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:

I thoroughly enjoyed your profile! My favorite parts were your description of "fire breathing feathery dragons," how you keep animals that choose you (hello, had my share of feral cats) and that keeping poultry is worth the inevitable heart ache. Lots of good photos, too. Loved the duck in the bucket -- ducks can be such clowns!

Being reminded of your Wunda and Winnona every time you are on BYC is a lovely idea.

Thanks for sharing your story!

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