BYC's 4th of July Star Spangled Hatch-Along

I should be setting 24 BCM eggs tomorrow!
Happy Cheering GIF by bluesbear
Whoops! Friendly reminder to check your turners! Mine wasn't actually seated properly bc I set it up in a hurry, so good thing I checked!

On the shipped eggs I set a week ago, the same thing happened for about 2 days. I set a rack in there wrong.

Then I remembered some folks don't turn shipped eggs for the first 3-5 days. That's not a rule I've gone by, but I just did, kind of. :D The older ones in there wouldn't mind either as they were past Day 14. I got lucky!

So yes, a good reminder to check the turners!!
My turner refuses to work. Thankfully it’s easy to take the motor off and turn by hand. And for the mid day turn I use the brother 2.0 model. 😂 not sure why the brand new turner won’t work. And I sent it back and it still won’t work.
Set yesterday and marked it on the calendar, only then did I realize they were due on the 4th. So I said, I bet there's a hatchalong for that!

54 eggs is a total abuse of my NR360. Took the turner out and arranged them in straight(ish) lines, double stacked.
The only reason I risked that is because our rooster is playing favorites right now so fertility is uneven, I'm anticipating throwing a lot of those eggs away. But if there's more than 22 fertile, I won't be able to use the turner later... we'll see I guess.

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