BYC's Random Funny Posting Thread! Hosts Mike & Sally

YES. ✊😭 Good children’s books are so much better than books meant for adults.
Paraphrasing here-
Children are innocent and love justice, while we [adults] are wicked and naturally prefer mercy.’ -G. K. Chesterton

Melancholy is irresponsible; it could watch the universe fall to pieces: joy is responsible and upholds the universe in the void of space.” -G.K. Chesterton (The Daily News, June 11, 1901)
Granny's name was Daisy May Moses. The character was named after Grandma Moses, the American folk artist. "Daisy May Moses" would be an excellent name for a hen!

Check her out with these other powerhouse actresses of her era, left to right: Moyna Macgill, one of Ireland's greatest actresses, also the mother of Angela Lansbury (can you see it in her face?) and producer Bruce Lansbury; Florence Bates, a film and stage character actress noted for her outstanding work in grande dame roles; and Margaret Hamilton, who often played villains and who most of us know as the terrifying, green, iconic Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz.


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