Cackle Hatchery reviews

I used Cackle Hatchery to buy Buff Orpingtons once. Will never use them again. Their quality is very substandard as compared to Murray McMurray. The chickens were noisy and mean - just sub par as to what I am used to from McMurray.
I received a box of 25 hybrid pullets from Cackle Hatchery 2 weeks ago. They were in a "winter" shipping box with small vent holes and there was even a heat pad. All chicks were alive in good health and still are.
FYI...I've had other business dealings with them, so we are on good terms. This is just to report on the chicks and care taken in shipping them.
Just received a shipment of Rouen ducklings from Cackle and I could not be more pleased. Great packaging, ducklings were all alive, healthy and happy. Since I only ordered three, I was worried about their welfare especially since the weather has been so on and off here in New England, but that was all in vain. Would definitely recommend!
Having tried a variety of hatcheries, I can safely say that Cackle is easily my favorite. :) Meyer always has been my overall go-to, but that may have changed after receiving my latest 28. Can't emphasize it enough: to put things lightly, their birds are terrific! :D Chicks arrived healthy as can be, energetic, lively, bouncy, and to top it all off, didn't even have to be shown their food and water! Not only have these new additions grown far more quickly than any other hatchery's, feathered out fully by 5-6 weeks, and begun free ranging with our flock at the same age, but they're also the friendliest by far. They aren't going through that typical flighty phase that most are by now. I can't meander anywhere outdoors without these little boogers following me, biting, or three or more flying on my back at once and attempting to perch on my head. :rolleyes: So snuggly! :love

I'm a big fan of the "extras" thrown in, as well. We ordered 3 White Leghorns, 3 Welsummers, 3 Easter Eggers, 5 of the Dark Brown Egg Female Surplus, 4 auto-sexed OEGBs, and 5 of the OEGB assortment, but instead received an extra EE, Leghorn, and 13 OEGBS rather than 9. The female Crele and Barred females are $10 each, and in spite of this, they still sent me two free pullets of either color variety. That's $20 worth right there!

Sadly, my Splash OEGB died within a couple hours of being introduced to the brooder, but that wasn't Cackle's fault in any way. It simply overdid the water and drowned before I could save that little life. One of the Crele girls passed away a couple weeks ago, as well, but once again, it was simply "one of those occurrences." Pretty sure the cause was a heart attack due to dark, almost purplish skin. Still loving the rest of my pretty Cackle birds! Would recommend them to anyone in a heartbeat. :D

I wish that I could say that I had a great experience with Cacke but I can’t. They did a terrible job at sexing my birds with 33.33% inacuracy. I was subjected to sending pictures of the little Roos for two weeks and had to be on the phone multiple times. Each call an average of 20 min. Every time they would tell me that Nancy (the alledge owner) would get back to me. Absolutely no customer service skill and no regard for their customers. once they got your money in their pocket, they will not give it back without a fight. Finally I got a hold of some fellow, Jeff. He replaced some of the birds and agreed to refund me others. I got the birds from the post office but I never saw a dime. I decided to leave it alone as I don’t want more agrevation. Definetly would not recommend them.
I wish that I could say that I had a great experience with Cacke but I can’t. They did a terrible job at sexing my birds with 33.33% inacuracy. I was subjected to sending pictures of the little Roos for two weeks and had to be on the phone multiple times. Each call an average of 20 min. Every time they would tell me that Nancy (the alledge owner) would get back to me. Absolutely no customer service skill and no regard for their customers. once they got your money in their pocket, they will not give it back without a fight. Finally I got a hold of some fellow, Jeff. He replaced some of the birds and agreed to refund me others. I got the birds from the post office but I never saw a dime. I decided to leave it alone as I don’t want more agrevation. Definetly would not recommend them.
I'm sorry, its bad enough when there are problems with your order and then top that with poor customer service. I had a problem with mine also. All but one died within the first week, but it turns out there were others with the same problem so luckly they refunded me for all of them (even the one thay that didn't die).
At first I was thankful, but after doing some research I had found out that they will send out chicks even when they know there is a problem (neurological? ). Now I'm just mad.
Anyways, Nancy is the owner and Jeff is her son. I ordered from mypetchicken and couldn't be happier!
I had a negative experience ordering from Cackle. I ordered 5 straight run buff silkie, 3 straight run lavender ameraucana, and 3 female cuckoo marans. On the day that the chickens were due to arrive, I contacted the post office and the chicks had not come! I called Cackle, who told me they had not shipped the chicks. I'm not sure when they were going to tell me about the delay; it was already 2 days after the scheduled ship day. Cackle said they did not ship because they did not have the lavender ameraucana and offered to ship out blue ameraucana instead, without offering to refund the price difference. I just wanted the chicks to arrive soon, so I agreed to take blue instead of lavender. When the chicks arrived, there were 7 buff silkie and 4 blue ameraucana. One of the buff silkies was dead on arrival, pinned beneath an unsecured heat pack. Its ribs were broken. The other 10 were alive. The invoice listed "3 blue ameraucana, 5 buff silkie, and 3 cuckoo marans." When I contacted Cackle to report the dead-on-arrival silkie and ask what happened to the marans, they said they shipped marans. I e-mailed a picture of the group to them, and they conceded there were 6 buff silkies, 4 blue ameraucana, and no marans. I asked for a refund on the marans that I did not receive, and they agreed to give it. After 1 week and no sign of refund, I followed up and they said the refund would be processed soon. Another two weeks have passed without refund on the missing marans, so I'm going to have to contact them again. The chicks are now 3.5 weeks old. One of the ameraucana developed a crossbeak at 2 days old and it eventually became severe enough to euthanize. One of the silkies developed wryneck at 4 days old and I spent 4 days hand-feeding and supplementing the chick until it could stand and eat on its own again. It's doing better now, but I am displeased with Cackle Hatchery's customer service and the quality of their birds, and would never order from them again.
UMMM try checking out their site. It tells you. Plus I live about 30 miles from the place. They get a shipment of eggs twice a week and hatch em out. then send them to you.

1. Pull up the breed you are looking for
2. Click "Breed Facts"
3. Scroll down to "Breeder Farm Source"

Almost every breeder out-sources some breeds to a local farm or something.
However, just by looking at the site many (if not all) of their birds appear to come from their farm.


UMMM try checking out their site. It tells you. Plus I live about 30 miles from the place. They get a shipment of eggs twice a week and hatch em out. then send them to you.

IMHO, having to get eggs and ship them out is a major inconvenience.
But true, it may be cheaper to buy eggs.


OK yall. I don't have a problem with hatchery quality birds. BUT you need to research! Really? Do you really think one place breeds and maintains that many birds? ALMOST all hatcheries work by starting up someone with a flock of a certain breed. Meaning they pay for the chicks from wherever and get you started. You are then responsible for feed and care. The hatchery buys the eggs from you. You can have as many flocks as you want. That means unless you know the actual breeder and visit them you don't know for sure breeds aren't mixed by accident. Most hatcheries also never visit the place your eggs come from. Never make sure they are raised in a humane way. Fed correctly. Or are free of disease. The breeder sends them a shipment of say Orpinton eggs and the "Hatchery" assumes they are right. Its a HATCHERY. Not a breeder. It says it it right in the name. For the most part Cackle sends out decent birds. But many are mixed. They are misleading in the naming of their birds. Their "Heritage birds are really "Production Heritage" birds but they wont tell you that unless you have a problem. Its like a well....say Labrador breeding place that sells. BUT they want to sell dogs that have the biggest litters because buyers want producing dogs. They will cull the dogs that fit the standard to keep the dogs that have more babies. Eventually you have a dog that "sorta kinda" looks like a lab. Genetically its a lab. But put it next to a lab and you have what??
If you are looking for extreme egg laying then YES the hatchery is where to go. They have spent decades developing an egg layer. I don't knock that. Not in the least. But if you are looking for the real deal go to a reputable BREEDER. You take any breed from one of them and put it next to a hatchery bird of the same breed and you will understand.
( my soap box) lol

So, everybody out-sources? :frow
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