Calcium Glubionate Help/Rant

Apex Peacher

In the Brooder
Aug 20, 2024
Hello! Seeking some assistance with obtaining “affordable” calcium glubionate for my ducks. I have two girls who are susceptible to peritonitis and require a regimen of antibiotics/anti-inflammatories and my vet wants them both on calcium glubionate twice a day. I am located in central Texas and I am not sure if it is just my location, but calcium glubionate costs a small fortune. By this I mean I got a 30 day supply and it cost me $330. My question is where do poultry owners buy their calcium glubionate?

Thanks in advance.
Won't calcium carbonate, or calcium citrate, do? Both are readily available and cheap. If a chicken give shell-less eggs I give calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate +D3 (Citracal or its generic equivalent), available OTC at any outlet that sells vitamins or supplements for humans. One a day for 5 to 7 days usually solves the problem, don't know about ducks.

@Miss Lydia would know.
Hello! Seeking some assistance with obtaining “affordable” calcium glubionate for my ducks. I have two girls who are susceptible to peritonitis and require a regimen of antibiotics/anti-inflammatories and my vet wants them both on calcium glubionate twice a day. I am located in central Texas and I am not sure if it is just my location, but calcium glubionate costs a small fortune. By this I mean I got a 30 day supply and it cost me $330. My question is where do poultry owners buy their calcium glubionate?

Thanks in advance.
Hopefully someone like @casportpony or @shawluvsbirds can chime in.
Curious how the EYP was diagnosed?

Are your Ducks that deficient in Calcium for them to need it 2x a day? Perhaps you need to evaluate diet, I'm sure someone can help you with that.

The Calcium recommended is quite expensive. I would instead use Calcium Gluconate, this can be purchased at stores like TSC.

Doubtful @Miss Lydia will respond. I've not been in contact with her since Christmas. Hurricane troubles and all that...:(
Won't calcium carbonate, or calcium citrate, do? Both are readily available and cheap. If a chicken give shell-less eggs I give calcium citrate in the form of calcium citrate +D3 (Citracal or its generic equivalent), available OTC at any outlet that sells vitamins or supplements for humans. One a day for 5 to 7 days usually solves the problem, don't know about ducks.

@Miss Lydia would know.
Giving calcium daily or twice a day seems excessive to me. There are affordable calcium citrate with vitamin d generic tablets available at Walmart (see link below.) Calcium gluconate, calcium citrate (more quickly absorbed,) and calcium carbonate tablets are all okay to use. Calcium gluconate injectable liquid (given orally) is also used but not necessary. Most people just have some crushed oyster shell available where they take what they need.
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