California - Northern

for Amelia. I know she means so much to you. Maybe she's just cold and maybe she hasn't been drinking enough because the water is so chilly???

Cooper, very pretty and cold looking pics! Is that fence on your property line?

Ron, what were you thinking of ordering from Black Diamond? I did not have the best results with her eggs. Have you ever considered ordering from Urch Turnland Poultry?

I just saw on another thread that Good Shepherd Ranch is now going to be selling chicks, poults and started birds. Nice!
26 here this morning and that is up against the house. I'm sure it's about 21 out there. Dang it's cold! Back to taking my tea kettle outside to defrost waterers. (hopefully without falling today) I have a few boneheads in mid molt, gotta check on them too.
Need some brilliant ideas!!

At the ranch in Clayton I still have many birds until I''m able to ship them out and I'm sure the pipes have frozen (We have them wrapped etc, but still I'm sure they probably are frozen...)

So not having had to deal with this before, what would you guys recommend??? I don't have hot water there and it's 30 minutes from my house so carrying a bucket of hot water out there (while that just sounds like a back ache waiting to happen) isn't going to happen.

My birds will be out of there in a couple of weeks, so I don't want to go to the expense of order warmers etc.

Need some brilliant ideas!!

At the ranch in Clayton I still have many birds until I''m able to ship them out and I'm sure the pipes have frozen (We have them wrapped etc, but still I'm sure they probably are frozen...)

So not having had to deal with this before, what would you guys recommend??? I don't have hot water there and it's 30 minutes from my house so carrying a bucket of hot water out there (while that just sounds like a back ache waiting to happen) isn't going to happen.  

My birds will be out of there in a couple of weeks, so I don't want to go to the expense of order warmers etc.

HELP!! :barnie

What if you build a stand and place a 55 gallon drum on it fill that up when pipes are not frozen than install/ insert a hoe fitting at bottom you will have water just not sure how your watering method is
At the ranch in Clayton I still have many birds until I''m able to ship them out and I'm sure the pipes have frozen (We have them wrapped etc, but still I'm sure they probably are frozen...)

So not having had to deal with this before, what would you guys recommend???

Is there a water source at the ranch? I simply use feed pans filled with water. If the water in them freezes, it's only a thin layer of ice which thaws mid morning. They can survive that long. If the ice was too thick, it could be dumped and refilled.

Are there livestock at the ranch? I've heard that piling fresh manure under and around the outside of the water trough will keep the water from freezing (an old cowboy trick). Maybe something like this would work?
thanks for the ideas! actually I do have a couple of camp stoves, I'll take them and I like the ideas too. Since I'll only be there for a few more weeks, I don't want to build something but I'm out of town next week on business, so I hope it warms up
Cheryl, sorry frozen pipes are a pain. Maybe try letting a hose run at a steady trickle the night before. Moving water doesnt freeze as much as still water. We do that to help keep the main water lines from freezing. That will also help so that you will have a water source to give the birds temporary water in small tubs, bowls or buckets until the waterers thaw out.


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