California - Northern

It is amazing--sometimes I can go away from the hatcher and come back to nothing. Then I stop to make brownies and then check and 5 have hatched without even seeing a pip.

21 so far.....
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It is amazing--sometimes I can go away from the hatcher and come back to nothing. The I stop to make brownies and then check and 5 have hatched without even seeing a pip.

21 so far.....
Hooray for Chicks! A watched chick waits to hatch.. only when your back is turned...

Quote: I think this is a good learning experience for anybody who has or wants to have broodies raise chicks together although every broody can react differently.

Putting Elanor and her bunch in the enclosure might work, then she becomes the "outside" bird and might not act so aggressively towards Speedy next time they meet.

I am glad the chicks can get away, and also that they have figured out who is "Mom", that is a good step.

Happy Mother's Day!
It is amazing--sometimes I can go away from the hatcher and come back to nothing. The I stop to make brownies and then check and 5 have hatched without even seeing a pip.

21 so far.....

wow, so exciting!! with all of my crazy troubles today, i don't know how you manage so many chicks -- AND brownies!

I think this is a good learning experience for anybody who has or wants to have broodies raise chicks together although every broody can react differently.

Putting Elanor and her bunch in the enclosure might work, then she becomes the "outside" bird and might not act so aggressively towards Speedy next time they meet.

I am glad the chicks can get away, and also that they have figured out who is "Mom", that is a good step.

Happy Mother's Day!

thanks, it's at least created a bit of quiet this afternoon... and Daisy (broody #4!) has hatched at least two today, although i didn't want to bother her to determine exactly how many and which kinds -- she's sitting on Miss Molly's isbar & blue cross eggs, plus two CLs from Deann...
Happy mothers day all you mothers!

What a chicken crazy weekend! I had 4 emergency chick drive bys ( mothers day presents.. I had the talk 3 x!) and was working all day today. And of course as soon as I sell all the turkeys I get 12 emails for people who want 10 poults each.. anyone have 120 turkeys they don't want? lol.

I got up this morning at 6 to move some eggs and found an exploded egg in the incubator( one of the ones Dolly had abandoned) I went to pick it up with the top Off and the one next to it exploded!

ICKKKKKKK! I had to oxine all the eggs, ( 3 were pipped ) and move them into a new hatcher . Luckily I was intending on running 2 so I didn't get mixed up over similar breeds.

The eggs still smell a little, I thin there is another bad one in there, but I cant pick them all up to check with of pips.
Laura, I'm sorry about your broodie battles, I think chickenmma has a good idea. I always have space so I don't see the drama as much.

Stuffing layed in her nest today, it was very exciting. Hopefully I don't have to lock her in the coop and she will start loving me again soon.

I hope everyone had a lovely mothers day. With working all day today and all these people wanting chickens on Saturday, i didn't make it to the small animal fair, ill have to try again in June.
For Mother's Day, my cat Lizbeth brought me a live lizard, which she then abandoned in the bathroom. (There's a chance my shriek of surprise and dismay caused her to do so. Poor thing, she thought she was doing something nice.)

I just hadn't expected to receive her present while I was IN the bathroom, somewhat encumbered by my pants around my ankles, y'know? She wanted to drop it in my lap.

I suppose that was better than delivering it as breakfast in bed.
For Mother's Day, my cat Lizbeth brought me a live lizard, which she then abandoned in the bathroom. (There's a chance my shriek of surprise and dismay caused her to do so. Poor thing, she thought she was doing something nice.)

I just hadn't expected to receive her present while I was IN the bathroom, somewhat encumbered by my pants around my ankles, y'know? She wanted to drop it in my lap.

I suppose that was better than delivering it as breakfast in bed.

what a gift! my cat henry used to bring live lizards indoors all the time, fortunately he's given up that habit recently.

what a long day it's been, trying to find an arrangement for the chickens to all get along -- am beginning to think of just giving Speedy & her chick away, she isn't getting along with anyone else in the flock, and the animosity between her and Eleanor is frightening.
For Mother's Day, my cat Lizbeth brought me a live lizard, which she then abandoned in the bathroom. (There's a chance my shriek of surprise and dismay caused her to do so. Poor thing, she thought she was doing something nice.)

I just hadn't expected to receive her present while I was IN the bathroom, somewhat encumbered by my pants around my ankles, y'know? She wanted to drop it in my lap.

I suppose that was better than delivering it as breakfast in bed.
Wow, you kitty cat really loves you!
For Mother's Day, my cat Lizbeth brought me a live lizard, which she then abandoned in the bathroom. (There's a chance my shriek of surprise and dismay caused her to do so. Poor thing, she thought she was doing something nice.)

I just hadn't expected to receive her present while I was IN the bathroom, somewhat encumbered by my pants around my ankles, y'know? She wanted to drop it in my lap.

I suppose that was better than delivering it as breakfast in bed.

Haha oh my! My husband last night was taking the clothes out of the dryer and I heard a scream!! He had managed to get some clothes from outside (kids clothes from swimming) and put them through the washer then move them to the dryer and not even see the poor lizard in the clothes until it was drowned and then cooked :/ lol
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