California - Northern

I'm loving the pictures!! How exciting!

Speaking of incubation - I won some quail eggs at the chicken party today. Is there anyone out their willing to incubate them for me? I live in Concord but I'm willing to drive if need be. Thanks guys!
Ah, that was you? I was sitting at the other table. I bought the rest of the quail eggs she brought along.

Regarding quail eggs:

Long ago
my dad dug up a CA quail nest while moving a huge compost pile out behind the barn. My mom took the eggs and put them under a regular light bulb, misted them several times a day, kept them covered with a damp paper towel, and turned them one quarter turn each day. This was all before internet info age, but she did have a book which gave some basics.

We must have gotten lucky, because 12 of 14 eggs hatched! They were the cutest things. Looked like little brown bumble bees and all 12 could easily squeeze under my child sized hand. When they got older, they were let loose to join the other quail that frequented our yard. At one point we counted over 60 quail all together eating the bit of seed that was thrown out for them.

One of my best childhood memories, those baby quail. Good luck hatching your eggs, and pleeeease show pics when they hatch.
Major thanks to Cheryl and Larry (and the lovely Dyann!) for the great party today. Your new digs are awesome. It was a lot of fun meeting so many other BYCers that I can now put a face to online. I look forward to getting more chances to visit with everyone soon. Also a big thanks to my travelling companions sewandgrow/Karen and lotsapaints/Denny. The journey to and from the party was icing on the cake! I'm looking forward to our next big adventure..

Following along as Walt went through the beautiful birds was very enlightening and enjoyable as well. Each time I get the opportunity to hear him critique birds, I come home and look at my own with a different perspective. Made it an educational day as well as fun-filled. Of course the raffle was a lot of fun and I'd like to thank you and everyone who donated all the cool prizes.

Nice job ladies!!
Thanks again!
Hi All,

I am Hatching some eggs for megan. They are doing great!

I have some candling pictures. These two are developing. you can see the veins inside the egg on Day eight:

Pita Pinta Egg One:

Pita Pinta Egg two:

Let me know if you like seeing these--I will candle again at 14 days.

Love it!!! I can't wait to see more!
If they're not kept in all the time you can fudge the 4sq per chicken, as long as they have room to roost. That's my opinion anyway
Thanks! I have gone beyond my maximum for my coop/run size but it's temporary until I process the males in a couple months. Once they are processed- I will make sure my numbers match. I just don't want to 'hurt any of them. I will process the males about the time the hens start laying actually. I don't see us having time to build a second coop anytime soon (goose house is next on the list) and we are still trying to move out of our old house before the bank takes the keys. So we are on a time crunch too.
Thanks! Love seeing the whales too. It's such a beautiful place. A woman I grew up with here in Paradise married one of the boys who's family owns the Purity grocery. I think that's the name of it. And our DIL's parents just bought a house there. We would love to have a place there someday too. Hahaha, dreamin'!
I think it is a s possible to live here as anywhere as long as you dont have to work lol! The job situation is horrible unless you want to commute over the hill. Nice place to raise chickens though :)
Quote: I think it is a s possible to live here as anywhere as long as you dont have to work lol! The job situation is horrible unless you want to commute over the hill. Nice place to raise chickens though :)
I'd just love a vacation home there, that's why I said I was dreaming. Plus all my family, including 5 grandkids are here and I wouldn't leave them for the world! But we dream about a vacation home in the Fort Bragg area. Just wondering though, what are the regulations on keeping chickens in Fort Bragg?

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