California - Northern

Hello, this is a great thread for the Central Valley.  I'm in Modesto and feel right at home here :D   

Sometimes I hatch and grow out birds to sell.  Friday and Saturday I will be selling a bunch of pullets @ point of lay.  If you are interested, PM me.

Thanks crackle. :) Newbie question here. What does point of lay mean?
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I have a Reese cockerel and hens from another breeder.  There are 2 very different colors of cockerels coming out of my quad.  I will be growing out a bunch this winter to select next years boy.  I've taken about 30 to the auction so far this year and a couple I had reservations about sending.  I should have kept them.  Anyway, we should share photos next spring of the ones we kept.  I'd love to learn from other people.  The CLB thread on BYC isn't very busy.

Curious. What is this auction people keep on mentioning and what is the heirloom festival?
Thanks crackle.
Newbie question here. What does point of lay mean?
POL or point of lay is a pullet that is close to egg laying age, usually between 16 and 24 weeks old.

It is a great way to get layers since the work of brooding them is done for you.
Getting some pullets with combs pinking up nicely who are answering back when my older girls sing egg songs... when I go back out I'm going to test them out and see if anyone squats for me. I see many more eggs in my future!
First eggs from birds you've brooded are so freaking exciting.

I think my EEs and Marans, despite being older than the ones who are pinking up and singing, are going to take a bit longer. I expected that with colored eggs, though.
My buff orps should start squating soon they are now in their 24th week. The Dels have been laying for over a month now. The buffs were 4 weeks younger and they reach point of lay about 26 weeks as opposed to 22 like the Dels.

Based on what Ive read of Cream legbars my little hen should be producing eggs before Christmas if Winter doesn't put her off.
Good Morning all. while checking my broody nest to see if there were eggs there that didn't belong, I dropped an egg on one of the EE eggs that I am estimating are about on day 16. The EE egg cracked and is seeping a little but I stuck it in the incubator just in case. Is there any hope? It has a dime size spider crack and a thin crack running about half way around. I candled it and could see the chick in there but no movement. Is it a goner?
As Ron suggested, I would seal the crack and give it a chance. They don't move as much later in incubation, as they are preparing for hatching. As long as it didn't rupture a vein, it should be okay.

Based on what Ive read of Cream legbars my little hen should be producing eggs before Christmas if Winter doesn't put her off.
My Cream Legbar never laid pullet sized eggs, she started off with nice, large eggs. And they are sooooo pretty:
Thanks @ronott1 and @Happy Chooks
I was thinking nail polish would be toxic but candle wax didn't enter my mind. Thanks for giving me and the little chick some hope.

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