California - Northern

Yes, but today is day 21
Usually mine hatch a day early...not late. Is it possible for chicks to hatch a day late? I haven't seen any eggs wiggle since yesterday. Sigh. My doctor hasn't called in my refills for my medication so I'm going through withdrawls, which includes being extremely emotional. I'm on the verge of tears because my **** eggs aren't hatching when they're supposed to hatch. But I will honestly be heartbroken if I only get 1 chick from the 13 that made it to lockdown.
EDIT: Oops, forgot I can't use some-what-bad-words here. Looks like it got starred out lol
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It's been 25 hours since the first chick hatched. I just woke up to 1 Lavender Orpington I'm at 2 out of 13 on day 22. Still no pips in any of the others. At what point do I break open the eggs?
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It's been 25 hours since the first chick hatched. I just woke up to 1 Lavender Orpington I'm at 2 out of 13 on day 22. Still no pips in any of the others. At what point do I break open the eggs?

Have you candled the other eggs? Are any of them alive or pipped internally?

It's been 25 hours since the first chick hatched. I just woke up to 1 Lavender Orpington I'm at 2 out of 13 on day 22. Still no pips in any of the others. At what point do I break open the eggs?
Since they are still hatching, I would wait a day.

Take the chicks out when they are fluffed up and make sure the water channels are topped off. I would sneak a candling at that time too.

Depending on the breed, they can take 23 days or so to hatch. Marans are late usually.
It's been 25 hours since the first chick hatched. I just woke up to 1 Lavender Orpington I'm at 2 out of 13 on day 22. Still no pips in any of the others. At what point do I break open the eggs?

Since they are still hatching, I would wait a day.

Take the chicks out when they are fluffed up and make sure the water channels are topped off. I would sneak a candling at that time too.

Depending on the breed, they can take 23 days or so to hatch. Marans are late usually.

I'm hatching out Lavender Orps and Golden Lakenvelders

Sally Sunshine's guide says that some chicks can take 25 days to hatch. I don't incubate chicken eggs, so I can't comment on how common that is.

I would not open any of the eggs unless I was sure they were dead.


Who was it that said they have found live chicks in the eggs before when opening them late?? That's what I'm hoping will happen if they aren't able to hatch for some reason...sigh

It's been 25 hours since the first chick hatched. I just woke up to 1 Lavender Orpington I'm at 2 out of 13 on day 22. Still no pips in any of the others. At what point do I break open the eggs?

Have you candled the other eggs? Are any of them alive or pipped internally?


I haven't yet. How can I tell if they're pipped internally?

On another note, had one pip and it's a scenario I have seen before...I have a chick that has to be helped out. It can't zip, it made a large hole and is just now peeping and breathing through it's mouth. You can see it try to move to zip but it can't. If it's not out by later this afternoon and hasn't made any progress, I'm going to VERY carefully help it out. I had two TJs chicks with the same problem, I waited too long to help them out and they ended up having shell like super glued to their feathers and legs so that they couldn't move. I'm always scared to help them out but sometimes I guess you have to. I know to stop if I see even a drop of blood!
Quote: Same here, though thankfully, I've not experienced Marek's yet.

I got my first quail eggs today! The pale wonky-looking egg in the picture is the first pullet egg from on of my Dominiques, and the last egg is just a normal egg from my red.

I'm hatching out Lavender Orps and Golden Lakenvelders
Orps are lazy hatchers, they take forever. I've never hatched Lakenvelders, so I don't know about them. Some breeds pop out like popcorn (welsummers) and some take their dear sweet time. is day 21. 13 eggs made it to lockdown. My chicks tend to hatch a day early...I had ONE hatch this morning at 6am. No pips in any of the others. I'm starting to get worried. :/ Please don't tell me I'm about to have a heartbreaking hatch of 1 out of 23 eggs...
I had 1 silkie chick hatch on Day 22...that was the only one that did although when I eggtopsied 2 otherd had internally pippe but were dead......3 were fully developed with no pip and 2 others had died earlier. These were incubatined inside then moved to the broody. At least she got 1 chicke to raise...

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