California - Northern

I've been having so much fun hangin' out with the girls. I'm so glad we decided to get them! I love my 6 week old GLW Frederika. She gets on my lap when I sit in the pen or she'll jump or fly up on my back or shoulder and just hang out with me for quite awhile. Yesterday tho, she was on my left shoulder, pecking at my shirt. Then all of a sudden, she pecked at the corner of my eye. I wear glasses, thankfully. Freaked me out and kinda hurt. Then a little while later, she tried again, like two more times to peck at my eye. I made her get down. I'm thinking maybe she thinks my eyelashes are bugs? The weird thing is, Morticia, my beautiful 9 week old BSL has gotten tamer and has been jumping up on my lap as well. At first she only would sit for like 15 seconds or so. Just enough for me to pet her a little, and then she'd hop down. Every time she gets up, she stays a little longer. Well, today, Fred was on my right leg, and Mortie jumped up on my left side and then up on my shoulder. I was happy having two of them on me, but then, Mortie started to go for my eye just like Fred did! What the heck is up with that?? Do any of you guys have that happen to you?? I love having them get up on me, but I really have to be careful. I sure don't want them pecking my eyes out! LOL
I've been having so much fun hangin' out with the girls. I'm so glad we decided to get them! I love my 6 week old GLW Frederika. She gets on my lap when I sit in the pen or she'll jump or fly up on my back or shoulder and just hang out with me for quite awhile. Yesterday tho, she was on my left shoulder, pecking at my shirt. Then all of a sudden, she pecked at the corner of my eye. I wear glasses, thankfully. Freaked me out and kinda hurt. Then a little while later, she tried again, like two more times to peck at my eye. I made her get down. I'm thinking maybe she thinks my eyelashes are bugs? The weird thing is, Morticia, my beautiful 9 week old BSL has gotten tamer and has been jumping up on my lap as well. At first she only would sit for like 15 seconds or so. Just enough for me to pet her a little, and then she'd hop down. Every time she gets up, she stays a little longer. Well, today, Fred was on my right leg, and Mortie jumped up on my left side and then up on my shoulder. I was happy having two of them on me, but then, Mortie started to go for my eye just like Fred did! What the heck is up with that?? Do any of you guys have that happen to you?? I love having them get up on me, but I really have to be careful. I sure don't want them pecking my eyes out! LOL

My chickens really don't get that close to my head. I would assume it's just them seeing something and they want to eat it. Your eye prob looks like food.
They are probably seeing "shine" in your eye. Using shiny items like keys or polished stones in the food and water to teach chicks to eat or drink is pretty common with new chicks, especially poults.
My birds all go for my wedding ring when I offer treats in my hand. I now wear closed hoops after losing an Opal and SS post earrings. They just plucked them from my ears.
If anyone is interested in some mallard ducklings, I have way to many and more are coming

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