California White??


In the Brooder
Jan 21, 2024
I recently tried my hand at incubating. I was 50% sucessful but I know what I did wrong so I'll right my wrongs in the next go round. In the meantime, I hatched 3 barred rocks, 1 brown leghorn and what I thought was 4 white leghorns. But...3 of my 4 have these black spots. Are they California whites?? My roo is a Belfeidel. My 7 hens are White and Brown leghorn and Barred Rock. Could my roo have helped produce a CW? Surely not a Pearl Oynx though?


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To get purebred chickens you need both the mother and father to be the same breed. Some people cross specific breeds and give them names. These names are basically just cute marketing names, not recognized by breed associations.

What you have are cross-breed chicks. Many of us really like those.

From your rooster and hens, I think those three white with black spots are from the White Leghorns. In theory they should be solid white but in reality you are seeing what we call leakage. Other colors are leaking through, pretty common. It should be fun to see how they feather out.
To get purebred chickens you need both the mother and father to be the same breed. Some people cross specific breeds and give them names. These names are basically just cute marketing names, not recognized by breed associations.

What you have are cross-breed chicks. Many of us really like those.

From your rooster and hens, I think those three white with black spots are from the White Leghorns. In theory they should be solid white but in reality you are seeing what we call leakage. Other colors are leaking through, pretty common. It should be fun to see how they feather out.

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