Call Duck Colors - breeding Gray Drake with Gray Snowy Female


13 Years
Nov 30, 2009
New Hampshire
My Gray Call Drakes lady went missing about a week ago. It's very upsetting, that I've no clue what happened to her - I can only imagine that a wandering dog (as there are a few Yellow labs known to wander) might have grabbed her - or perhaps a hawk. Whatever it was - it left no sign of her and everyone else is unharmed and unalarmed. I thought for a while that she might be sitting on a nest somewhere ...

Long story short - I have a Snow Call female also that I got this summer. What would be the resulting offspring of my Gray Drake and the Gray Snowy female? I

I have no clue about Call Duck genetics.

are there any good pages to read about Call Duck genetic colors (like there is for chickens?)

Just to summarize...

Snowy Gray Female X Gray Drake = ????? would they be Gray's or Snowy Gray's? --- or could I get an array of colors because of the Snowy Female?
Thanks JulieNKC!!!

That's really helpful ! (well at least interesting :) )

The confusing part - my female - is probably considered more of a Dark Silver - than Snowy (but I've found those terms used interchangeably).

If she's a "snowy" then the the offspring will be gray.
but if she's "dark silver" then the offspring will be silver ... ...

I also have a chocolate bibbed female that has offspring from this mallard they're black bibbed drakes - and if they cross with my silver hen then there will be quite the array of colors - maybe

I'm going to be stuck playing with the color thing for hours now :)
Thanks JulieNKC!!!

That's really helpful ! (well at least interesting :) )

The confusing part - my female - is probably considered more of a Dark Silver - than Snowy (but I've found those terms used interchangeably).

If she's a "snowy" then the the offspring will be gray.
but if she's "dark silver" then the offspring will be silver ... ...

I also have a chocolate bibbed female that has offspring from this mallard they're black bibbed drakes - and if they cross with my silver hen then there will be quite the array of colors - maybe

I'm going to be stuck playing with the color thing for hours now :)

Lol. Plus if your ducks aren't "pure" colors (the parents were diff colors) then I think you have hidden colors that can change what the babies will look like too. At least the calculator gives you something to play with though.

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