Call duck eggs day 26 getting worried



May 14, 2018
HI everyone...
So out of my 12 call duck eggs in incubator... only 7 have made it through to day 26. However because I lost my last batch I cancelled last night quickly and all 7 still moving... but non have internally pipped yet? Do I just leave I’m worried I’m just going to lose them all?
What date did you set them on? Do you know what the temperature in your incubator has been (verified with a thermometer you have calibrated and know to be accurate)? And is the incubator still air or forced air?
Hi thank you for replying.

So I put them in on the 16th may but counted the next day as day 1... we have a janoel12 incubator and have kept temp on 38 the whole time and humidity at 50% also using a separate thermostate to show humidity aswell. We put them on lockdown on Friday (day 23) and today is 26 but no movement, noise etc and did cancel quick last night so could see them moving. But last time they just never hatched but saying that I have never done this before... and didn’t know that call ducks are very hard either but my daughter wanted to hatch calls... prob not a wise move but I’m like a expecting mum xx
So today is definitely day 26 then. How do the air cells look? For me 50% would have been too high but that does vary from location to location as to what works best.

Any sign of internal pips when you candled?
Oh ok... I have read so much about what temp / humidity and so many different answers I have up humidity on lockdown to 65% ? Does that sound right?
I know you shouldn’t touch on lockdown but was worried so candled last night and they are very active but couldn’t see anything in air sac... most air sac look like normal although one does look like its slightly gone up the aide aswell? Xx
You can check them in lockdown and with Calls you really should, since most of the time they will need to be assisted to hatch if they are any sort of good quality. I would candle again now and check for pips.

65% is fine for lockdown. Do your air cells look like they are the proper size?
You can check them in lockdown and with Calls you really should, since most of the time they will need to be assisted to hatch if they are any sort of good quality. I would candle again now and check for pips.

65% is fine for lockdown. Do your air cells look like they are the proper size?
Ok I’ll check them again... thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it. I’m no expect as so new to this but they do look normal? I’ll have a read and keep you posted thank you again x

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