The Ranch Girl
This is my first time doing Call duck eggs, I’ve assisted and hatched countless amounts of Chicken and Muscovy duck eggs. So I had no problem taking on call ducks. This breed has had my attention for a long time and I’ve always wanted pet ducks.
I ordered 14 hatching eggs from the state next to me. They were shipped in two different boxes. To my disappointment each and every egg either was too scrambled to hatch, or just never developed. Except one. Just one egg out of 14 and it had water inside the air pocket (which has now thankfully disappeared.)
So I took such good care of the little egg.
I even found and extremely helpful video on how to assist hatching. The first step was:
Once the baby internally pips you want to use needle nose pliers or some other small tool to make a pin point sized hole to help the baby get air. Then set the egg back in the incubator for 24 hrs. And everything else happens after that.
But this is the step I’m stuck on, when a baby correctly pips into the air sack, it’s so easy to tell. But sometimes they like to be little stinker and pip where the membrane is. And usually it will make a black spot on the egg. Now with Muscovy ducks they usually need help when this happens but they can make a pipped hole. This little one can’t.
Today is day 26 for him, if I make that air hole will the air still reach through the membrane or do I need to make a hole where his beak is?
The circle in the picture is where I think he is trying to pip at, in my experience that is exactly what it looks like when they do that.
But I’m at wits end, I really want this baby to live!
Should I wait a little longer to see if he really does internally pip?
I ordered 14 hatching eggs from the state next to me. They were shipped in two different boxes. To my disappointment each and every egg either was too scrambled to hatch, or just never developed. Except one. Just one egg out of 14 and it had water inside the air pocket (which has now thankfully disappeared.)
So I took such good care of the little egg.
I even found and extremely helpful video on how to assist hatching. The first step was:
Once the baby internally pips you want to use needle nose pliers or some other small tool to make a pin point sized hole to help the baby get air. Then set the egg back in the incubator for 24 hrs. And everything else happens after that.
But this is the step I’m stuck on, when a baby correctly pips into the air sack, it’s so easy to tell. But sometimes they like to be little stinker and pip where the membrane is. And usually it will make a black spot on the egg. Now with Muscovy ducks they usually need help when this happens but they can make a pipped hole. This little one can’t.
Today is day 26 for him, if I make that air hole will the air still reach through the membrane or do I need to make a hole where his beak is?
The circle in the picture is where I think he is trying to pip at, in my experience that is exactly what it looks like when they do that.
But I’m at wits end, I really want this baby to live!
Should I wait a little longer to see if he really does internally pip?