Calling All Cream Legbar Breeders- 2024 Edition

Here is a 2012 photo progrogression of Legbar cockers.

In the creation of the Legbar in the 1930’s they started with and English line of Legbars that had a light down color. Then in the second year of the project they introduced imported Dutch leghorns because they were more productive layers. This down color study was an attempt to see if on down type or another produced better color in the adult plumage. It was noted that the dark down showed brighter red colors than the light down color. I personal decided to not put a preference on down color and just select for the best assault plumage. As I did that my down color naturally started to settle on a bluish down color (I will look for photos). Chicks with a lot of yellow or refuse colors in the grow out with too much red/chestnut. Those with the dark down color get black crest and are too dark.
Very interesting. Do you know if any thing similar has been studied for the Opal variation? I have two pullets and the cockerels at the moment that are Opal. A couple cream split to Opal pullets and then a few pure cream pullets and one cockerel.

So far I am really liking the color on the cream cockerel but I have a feeling his comb will end up being way oversized
The photo of the chicks in the white basket is the one I was looking for (Blaze Chicks). The cockerel is the bluish color and the pullet to his top left is what I was looking for an example of what pullets from the bluish lines look like. All the pullets in that photo are out of the same cockerel though. There were multiple hens in the pen that the group hatched from which both light and bark down colors among them. When searching I could a few photos from others. There is a pair of bluish downed cockerel line chicks from another breeder’s line and a pair with red in the chick down from the other breeder. Those with the red in their down grow out with posts of red on their crests eyebrows, etc. the pullets will likely have red on their throat and possibly body feathers too.
Lol. Now I wish I had paid a bit more attention to their down color. Maybe I have photos though. I'll have to look back through to see 🤔

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