Jubille orpington and lavendar orpington were for sale at a local feed store right after i bought my chicks i was really mad. I would have rather had one of those colors but i have a sweet little buff orpington.
Wow that's lucky! In my area I can barely find black Copper Marans because my 2 died 😔 or Lavender orpington. I finally found a BCM on Craigslist and a blue orpington
Wow that's lucky! In my area I can barely find black Copper Marans because my 2 died 😔 or Lavender orpington. I finally found a BCM on Craigslist and a blue orpington
Wow! That must be hard to find. The only thing that is hard in my area is marans. I have 3 hatcheries that are 4 to 8 hours away.
I have a buff Orpington named goldy she’s about 2 years old and is weirdly enough the top of the pecking order (well besides the ducks)
I had another buff Orpington a few years ago named lighty (no idea how she ended up with that name) she’s was super sweet but was always getting picked on by the other birds I lost her when she was about 3 because ended up getting stolen :(
(First two picks are of goldy last pick is of lighty)


I have 11 silver laced chocolate English orps, 7 birchen banty orps, 4 chocolates, 5 lavender, 4 isabel and 3 lemon cuckoo. I have about 90 orp eggs in the incubator, mostly blue/black/splash. They follow me around when I go in their pens. The first pic is the silver laced chocs with a lavender on the side, and the 2nd has a lavender in the front.


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