Calling All Rabbit Nutters

I’ve had them chew cords all the way to the plug. I don’t know how they survive. It’s all fun and games until they chew the cords to your DHs work computer. (I have no idea how he explained that to his boss.)
Ouch! I guard my work computer very carefully for this reason. I don’t ever want to have to explain that to IT!
Knowing Kikis luck little Floofer will be like, “Thank you! I love apples & salsa sauce!” :wee:lau
Bitter apple is like water strainer through cigarette ashes. It’s like the driest wine you’ve ever imagined.
At least cords are replaceable…unlike a whole room of carpet!:rantView attachment 2827167
And that’s not even the worst part of the room!
ill kill you michael scott GIF

But all is forgiven when they look at you with those big cow eyes 🥺
Question Want Me To Kill Them GIF

So true. Niven in the past year ate holes in the sofa, killed two light fixtures, and destroyed numerous chargers. But she is so freaking cute and sweet that I wouldn’t trade her for everything.
Stephen Colbert Murder GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

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