Calling All Rabbit Nutters

I built some of my own cages w/ hardware cloth. Good: my rabbits includes some Continentals - they had room to turn around. Bad - my rabbits are Continentals - the hardware cloth warps under the weight.

I also have some premade, assemble from panels, rabbit cages 30x30 and 30x36. Good - the don't bend so bad as hardware cloth. Doors work a little more reliably (mostly). Bad - they are small, and the kits can get their head stuck when just born if they get out of the box (or are deposited out of the box).

My next attempt will be to join two of the premades together with a divider to make a 30x60+ or 30x66+ cage with an off-center wall, then set the whole thing inside a frame of 2x4(or 6s) with a 2x2 support rail along the edge. We'll see how that works out before I recommend it to others.
I built some of my own cages w/ hardware cloth. Good: my rabbits includes some Continentals - they had room to turn around. Bad - my rabbits are Continentals - the hardware cloth warps under the weight.

I also have some premade, assemble from panels, rabbit cages 30x30 and 30x36. Good - the don't bend so bad as hardware cloth. Doors work a little more reliably (mostly). Bad - they are small, and the kits can get their head stuck when just born if they get out of the box (or are deposited out of the box).

My next attempt will be to join two of the premades together with a divider to make a 30x60+ or 30x66+ cage with an off-center wall, then set the whole thing inside a frame of 2x4(or 6s) with a 2x2 support rail along the edge. We'll see how that works out before I recommend it to others.
Thanks. I appreciate your reply.
Thanks. I appreciate your reply.

Also, cages off the ground are a good thing - easy to harvest "bunny gold" - though a few inches higher would have been wise.

Cages stacked vertically? Problem keeping upper bunny gold out of bottom bunny's cage. and if left to sit on roofing material, etc - it eats steel roofing, and is hard on polycarbonate. Relatively easy to clean if your bunnies produce hard dry pellets. When they urinate or spill water on it, however...


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