Calling all teenagers

I love Sussex as well as Jerseys. And I also have always loved Legbars and Faverolles (even though I’ve never had either, but they are just soooo cute! Who doesn’t love those puffy cheeks, feathered feet, and adorable crests?:rolleyes:) I finally, after years, got allowed to order some chicks from a hatchery instead of getting more of the boring breeds at TSC. Of course I ordered both Cream Legbars and Salmon Faverolles, along with a few other breeds. I got a surprise Sumatra female chick (which is funny because I really wanted to get one, but I already had to many chickens). I just received them last week and I can’t wait until they get older. I ordered them from Meyer hatchery, which I can’t be more impressed with. They send me emails all the time and it’s getting really hard to not look at them and not ask my parents.
I currently have 95 chickens. So, can’t I just, get like, 5 more? You know, to hit the 100 mark? Please?
This is the most chickens I’ve ever had. The highest before this was 86. And for the last year after we moved and I had to get rid of all of my chickens, and I somehow gained the sad number of 20 hens (which was much better than having none, buuuut…. ). Right now feels amazing.
Meyers is awesome
i get all my chicks from them and I've never had one die in the box and the hens have all looked really nice.
i got my first Sumatra hen 4 or 5 years ago in their rainbow assortment bundle and I ordered 11 more this year shipping mid august cuz she's the coolest hen ever, not to mention still laying great and very friendly.

i had 120 chickens two winters ago, it was a sad flock that my brother had been caring for before switching his responsibilities to cows instead, huge mite infestation, lots just dropping dead for "no reason", he didn't really care. a lot died that winter due to not enough space and below zero wind chills and low immune systems. the flock has now made a full recovery and I've added many fun breeds.

chickens is quite the rollercoaster lol
I finally made a list

I’ve owned….
Red Rangers
Rhode Island Reds
Cinnamon Queens
Brown Leghorns
Buff Brahmas
Dark Brahmas
Red Sexlinks
Black Sexlinks
Black Marans
Black Sumatras
White Sultans
Swedish Flower Hens
Barred Rocks
Black Jersey Giants
Buff Orpingtons
Blue Orpingtons
Lavender Orpingtons
Splash Orpingtons
White Rocks
White Cochins
White Americanas
Easter Eggers
Olive Eggers
Silver Phoenixes
Mille D’Fluer Bantams

I think that’s it but there’s probably more

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