Calling all teenagers

What do y'all do for Christmas? I've read that a lot of people go to the beach, and eat "Christmas Salad" made out of cold turkey, cheese, and salad.
Firstly, ya actually should have to live within 5 hours of the coast for that 😭😭
Also, alot of my family don't even enjoy the beach that much.
We just do a family get together at my house or one of my sibling's.
It's too early for me to remember what we eat but it's a lot of different stuff. Italian family so the food is one of the most important parts :oops:
Firstly, ya actually should have to live within 5 hours of the coast for that 😭😭
Also, alot of my family don't even enjoy the beach that much.
We just do a family get together at my house or one of my sibling's.
It's too early for me to remember what we eat but it's a lot of different stuff. Italian family so the food is one of the most important parts :oops:
Italian Aussies, what an accent. (Jk)

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