Calling all teenagers

I feel like it parents jobs to confuse you 😩 they keep telling me I’m eating too little and I need to eat more and today I had seconds at dinner and they commented that I was eating a lot and commented on my weight 😞 like idk what they want from me
I feel like it parents jobs to confuse you 😩 they keep telling me I’m eating too little and I need to eat more and today I had seconds at dinner and they commented that I was eating a lot and commented on my weight 😞 like idk what they want from me
just eat what you feel you need to be as healthy as you can be. don't listen to others. I eat anywhere from 1-6 meals a day. I only ate dinner and a small snack today but on Saturday I had 3 plates of food for breakfast and 4 plates of food for dinner. But I am not overweight or underweight. I am 5'10 (give or take an inch) and am 135 or so. Trust yourself and do what you believe is best.
just eat what you feel you need to be as healthy as you can be. don't listen to others. I eat anywhere from 1-6 meals a day. I only ate dinner and a small snack today but on Saturday I had 3 plates of food for breakfast and 4 plates of food for dinner. But I am not overweight or underweight. I am 5'10 (give or take an inch) and am 135 or so. Trust yourself and do what you believe is best.
Yeah, today I forgot to eat until like 5:30. Some days I eat three meals and have snacks in between. Nothing wrong with it. Just do your best to eat healthy.
just eat what you feel you need to be as healthy as you can be. don't listen to others. I eat anywhere from 1-6 meals a day. I only ate dinner and a small snack today but on Saturday I had 3 plates of food for breakfast and 4 plates of food for dinner. But I am not overweight or underweight. I am 5'10 (give or take an inch) and am 135 or so. Trust yourself and do what you believe is best.
My mom was right I do normally not eat a lot but I hate when they mention my eating habits my mom just has this way of saying things that make me feel bad, she comments on my looks a lot for no reason so I js needed to vent for a moment lol 😅
My mom was right I do normally not eat a lot but I hate when they mention my eating habits my mom just has this way of saying things that make me feel bad, she comments on my looks a lot for no reason so I js needed to vent for a moment lol 😅
No, you're fine. My dad sometimes calls us out on stuff and make us feel like we've done something wrong, and it's totally unintentional! It's just the way it comes off to us and the way he communicates.
My fiancé does it too, and it's entirely not his fault. 😂 It's just the way they both communicate. I keep expecting a negative response to certain things, too, but then both of them will respond with grace in those situations and it totally catches me off guard, lol. Or I'll have done something not that important but maybe I could have made a better decision (like about what I had for lunch or something) and they're talking about it in a way that makes me feel like I've just sinned or something. I don't know what it is about it that makes it so difficult for me to figure it out, I keep getting thrown for a loop. 😅

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