calling any one from missouri

Baby is accepted by the flock. The little rooster is very proud of 'his' chick and tidbits it. Mama takes it outside and they spend all day exploring the run. It's so warm here that baby never needs to go under mama during the day. Just follows her around, digging, climbing, eating bugs, all day long. It is 5 days old.
There are dangers to growing up this way but also major benefits. View attachment 3867684
It'll be one tough chick!
Well the chick is one week old today. Just acts like a regular chicken! The little flock has totally accepted it. FullSizeRender.jpeg
Now that this heat wave broke, I need to start freezing corn for the chickens to throw out there in the morning. The free range birds do okay, but my orpingtons are struggling in the heat. I'm gonna try to fix the air flow in their coop so that it's not so bad until they have access to their run.

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