calling any one from missouri

-10 here this morning. Yesterday the chickens seemed kind of optimistic when the sun came out. Especially the younger flock of bantam EE's, who spent a lot of time out in the run where I had cleared away the snow and put shavings down for them. High temp was 14.
In the 4" of snow, I was able to clear walking paths with a leaf blower. This was my Valentine's Day present. Some women want flowers or candy, I wanted a leaf blower. It's fun to use.
My two hens pretty much stayed in the nest box all day yesterday and slept in there last night and they are sitting on the straw next to each other right now ( have a camera in there). They only get up to eat ( the food box is in the nest box so the birds don't see it).

It's 4°F this morning here.

Blondie quit laying a week ago and TuTu is too old I assume to lay an egg.

Days are getting longer faster now, she may start up soon. Did she lay last year?
I'd have frozen eggs at these temps, too, if I didn't have two determined broodies keeping them warm! I am checking for eggs at least twice a day, and so far, so good. (13° right now, brr!)
Are you letting them hatch eggs?

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