Can’t get rid of Vent Gleet!


Jun 1, 2023

I have a hen that has had vent gleet for over a month and I have tried EVERYTHING. No other hens have it besides her. I’ve dewormered her 2x, I give them probiotics every day a long with an additional waterer that has 1 TBS of ACV. Ive treated them for mites/lice as well. I’ve tried topical nyastatin and clotrimazole to the vent area, as well as giving her 1 ml of nyastin orally 2x a day for 7 days. I just finished the 7 day treatment for oral nyastatin on Monday and it cleared up and she had normal poop! But it only lasted for 3 days and now we’re at square one.

I noticed she had a sour crop when doing these treatments so I cleared her crop for a few mornings since it never emptied at night and gave her coconut and olive oil and her crop finally started emptying on its own that Monday.

I’m at a loss and don’t know what to do now. I thought maybe I should continue another treatment of oral nyastatin because 7 days maybe wasn’t enough? I’m not sure but I feel so bad for her. She’s lost a lot of weight and is still eating and drinking water and active but you can tell she isn’t spry. And her poor butt covered in white poop is terrible. She hasn’t laid an egg in over a month.

Any advice out there? Thank you so much for reading.
We give layena pellets and I dewormed her twice. We used to give scraps like fruit and vegetables but I stopped doing that a month ago and now sometimes they’ll get meal worms. And of course they have oyster shell and grit available.
We give layena pellets and I dewormed her twice. We used to give scraps like fruit and vegetables but I stopped doing that a month ago and now sometimes they’ll get meal worms. And of course they have oyster shell and grit available.
What did you use for worming?
It seems you've tried everything, did you try yogurt? The vinegars probiotics aren't always alive.
We give Equa Holistics HealthyGut Probiotics for Chickens & Poultry, All-Natural Digestive System Dietary Supplement every day and as for deworming we used Poultry Dewormer 5x Supplement. I have tried yogurt as well and applesauce
We give Equa Holistics HealthyGut Probiotics for Chickens & Poultry, All-Natural Digestive System Dietary Supplement every day and as for deworming we used Poultry Dewormer 5x Supplement. I have tried yogurt as well and applesauce
Natural dewormers do not work, you need to get a real wormer and dose accordingly.
Applesauce has no probiotics so I'm not sure why anyone recommended that to you.
Natural dewormers do not work, you need to get a real wormer and dose accordingly.
Applesauce has no probiotics so I'm not sure why anyone recommended that to you.
The dewormer wasn’t natural it was fenbendazole 1 capsule for her weight and as for probiotic it’s a specific powder that I buy that I give them that has Bifidobacterium as well as many others.

I gave applesauce/yogurt to help with her crop while I was giving oral nyastatin. Not for probiotics
The dewormer wasn’t natural it was fenbendazole 1 capsule for her weight and as for probiotic it’s a specific powder that I buy that I give them that has Bifidobacterium as well as many others.

I gave applesauce/yogurt to help with her crop while I was giving oral nyastatin. Not for probiotics
It would help if you said that to begin with.
What is the strength of the fenbendazole?
What us dosage strength you've been giving and how often?

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