can a duck take this?


everything’s just ducky!
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
are the ingredients safe?
it’s a combination of probiotics that help overcome fungal infections. one of my ducks has been tested positive by a mail in lab for aspergillus and i can’t afford vet and rx .
I have, however, been treating her with oxine ah by nebulizer and it has helped her stay alive the last few months. i’m doing a lot of research on alternate treatments. so I am giving apple cider vinegar with the mother in the water. I am doing drops of oregano oil in the water. I am getting some garlic and crushing that in the water also and I read about certain probiotics that will help fight the aspergillosis also
this is one of them
I also have a pro probiotic that’s made for animals and I have given her some a few times.
I wonder if there are any foods that could help like sauerkraut or yogurt but my babies don’t eat those. Except for my chickens - they like yogurt, but I never tried feeding anyone sauerkraut it’s probably got too much salt anyway. maybe I have to make a fermented Feed?
maybe I can just get this one I can swing the 20 bucks. It will be fresh and it looks really good. I do need help though figuring out how much is too much. I don’t want to overdo it either.

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