Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

Pic included. I don't have any pics of just the fence but I took this pic tonight and the fence is in it (our neighbor's dog came by for a visit. My dogs are the two black ones.)
The mesh there is huge, what is the size of the holes?
Fine for dogs but a lot of predators could crawl thru them.

Edit 2: i put up solar flood lights on the gate and the fence posts around the corner and back, but I'm not sure if those will make much difference.
They won't, at least not for long.
The mesh there is huge, what is the size of the holes?
Fine for dogs but a lot of predators could crawl thru them.

They won't, at least not for long.
You gotta zoom in. The mesh is only 1/2" squares. You're looking at the fence itself 😄

Well darn. I guess the lights will just be for me then in case I have to go out there at night.
Here's what I'm using. Definitely cannot push through it! And it's really sharp at the edges, so if they tried to chew through it, it would cut them up.
Ohh rodent mesh, yeah they don't care that that is there, it is just a chew toy for them. There are a few pictures and video's out of the UK showing foxes with bleeding mouths trying to chew through 1/4" wire.

There is also the outback method of using old corrugated iron around the bottom of the fence so that foxes can't see the chickens.

Yep giving the dog's the job of deterring them also sound like a good idea, but they cannot be everywhere at once so you still need to slow the foxes down if you cannot stop them.
Ohh rodent mesh, yeah they don't care that that is there, it is just a chew toy for them. There are a few pictures and video's out of the UK showing foxes with bleeding mouths trying to chew through 1/4" wire.

There is also the outback method of using old corrugated iron around the bottom of the fence so that foxes can't see the chickens.

Yep giving the dog's the job of deterring them also sound like a good idea, but they cannot be everywhere at once so you still need to slow the foxes down if you cannot stop them.
Hmmm okay. Lots to think about. I'm gonna have to stick with what I got considering how much time and money has already gone into it. I'll just bring the dogs out in the evenings and hope that works. Crazy how much there is to consider when free ranging chickens!

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