Hi all!
Unfortunately I found one of my leghorn hens dead today, I'm pretty devastated. Her neck was quite bloody, I thought she might have been hiding outside for night and got another marten attack (They have 2500 sqft to run only with fences, but without anything on top, and a closed coop). I have a camera watching the nesting boxes, and I can rewatch 2 days, so tonight I tried to see if she was alive on monday, or not. Turns out she was absolutely fine monday morning and had a neck full of blood by 12:40 pm, but still walking "fine" Until 14:00, then nothing more, and I found here today afternoon dead. I've seen 2 blood-drops in the coop on an egg, and tried to find who is it from, but a storm came and I had to go back to the house, and next time it was dark when I went. Quite obviously I'm now thinking I should have been there until I find who is injured, but it wasn't that much blood I've found I hoped it was something minor. I have no idea what happened in reality. No dogs at the neighbours, haven't seen or heard a fox nearby ever for 7 years since I moved here, also it is in the centre of a small town of 15 thousand people in Hungary, so not the middle of nowhere.
We have 2 rumpless araucana roosters since November, one dominant and an absolute omega. There has only been aggression between them, but never with the ladies before. This hen was usually with the omega one, she was quite shy as well. Is it possible that one of the roosters hurt her like this? If so, should I get rid of them?
Thanks for any advice or experience.
Unfortunately I found one of my leghorn hens dead today, I'm pretty devastated. Her neck was quite bloody, I thought she might have been hiding outside for night and got another marten attack (They have 2500 sqft to run only with fences, but without anything on top, and a closed coop). I have a camera watching the nesting boxes, and I can rewatch 2 days, so tonight I tried to see if she was alive on monday, or not. Turns out she was absolutely fine monday morning and had a neck full of blood by 12:40 pm, but still walking "fine" Until 14:00, then nothing more, and I found here today afternoon dead. I've seen 2 blood-drops in the coop on an egg, and tried to find who is it from, but a storm came and I had to go back to the house, and next time it was dark when I went. Quite obviously I'm now thinking I should have been there until I find who is injured, but it wasn't that much blood I've found I hoped it was something minor. I have no idea what happened in reality. No dogs at the neighbours, haven't seen or heard a fox nearby ever for 7 years since I moved here, also it is in the centre of a small town of 15 thousand people in Hungary, so not the middle of nowhere.
We have 2 rumpless araucana roosters since November, one dominant and an absolute omega. There has only been aggression between them, but never with the ladies before. This hen was usually with the omega one, she was quite shy as well. Is it possible that one of the roosters hurt her like this? If so, should I get rid of them?
Thanks for any advice or experience.