Can an Easter egger have no beard or miffs or fat neck?

We got a bunch of heritage breed chicks as a rescue project when someone's science project was going to be sacked. At the time they were a bunch of fluffy little one week olds. They're all different breeds. Now we have four laying hens, and I've been trying to figure out theit breeds. Two of them look like black American game hens, and I suspect the once a week pale Brown large egg is theirs. One of them looks like a Colombian Wyandotte to a T, all white feathers with a black collar and deep green tail, she's quite maternal, and a massive amount of small medium brown eggs with a pinkish hue seem to be hers. Now I'm getting also brilliant blue eggs. To try to figure out if my fourth hen is an Easter egger? Her head looks exactly like the Columbian Wyandottes, except her body is all brown (her head is white). But in all the pictures I've seen Easter eggers have sort of fat looking heads with fluffy neck feathers and fluffy cheek feathers and fluffy head feathers.... And her head looks exactly like a Columbian wyandotte -- sleek and white. Her body is all fluffy and brown though.


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Okay, I posted the pictures. There are four different hens in the pictures:

1. A White Hen with some Colombian black coloring on her neck and deep green almost black tail feathers. I believe she has a rose comb? And is a Colombian wyandotte?

2. A Brown Hen with a white head. Her head looks the same as hen #1, but her body is brown. I believe she also has a rose comb?

3. A black hen with some brown markings and gray feet. I believe she has a pea comb.

4. Another black hen with some brown markings and yellow feet. She also has a deep green sheen on the black feathers on her neck.

So I was thinking that hen #1 was a Colombian wyandotte, and #2 looked like a cross between a Colombian Wyandotte and some kind of brown breed (Easter egger??), and I thought #3 and #4 were some kind of American Game?

We finally just started getting eggs, we're getting a ton of medium small brown eggs with a pink hue, a few large pale brown eggs that are almost white, and some brilliant Blue eggs. Any guesses on their breeds? Their heritage but might be crosses.

Also, could a hen that was only one half Easter egger still lay blue eggs?
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Easter Eggers have no standard of perfection and can therfore have a wide variety of looks. they can be bearded or not, they can have pea combs or not.

Wyandottes have (or should have) a rose comb. To the untrained eye.. rose and pea combs may look similar.

Consider posting a picture of the bird(s) still in question for more feedback.
I just posted pictures. I would dearly love feedback, up till now I've just been absolutely guessing what their breeds are...

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