Can anybody tell the gender of this 4 1/2 month old white Leghorn


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
This is Summer, hatched on the first day of summer (UK) which inspired the name :)
I still don't know the gender, I call her "Her" but I don't actually know her gender yet.
Hopefully someone will be able to tell by these pictures I took of her this morning :D
She has some little spurs which she has had since being 2 months old but they haven't grown at all, they haven't really changed in size. there hasn't been a noticeable difference anyway.

Her crown has all of a sudden increased in size over the last 2 weeks, it was only very small then all of sudden... WOW! It doubled in size !

I'm going to say pullet. Legbars usually have large combs no matter the gender, and I don't see any saddle feathers. Her legs aren't too thick either. I'd say it's a girl coming into early lay.
I'd suspect rooster because neck hackles look stringy, and you can see Spurs developing on the legs. I'm not familiar with the breed though. The legs do look thin and there are no saddle hackles.
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My guess is hen, and soon to start laying. She looks like my hens that are roughly the same age. I received 8 leghorns in mid June this year, the accidental rooster was getting red and had developing wattles before he was 2 months old. The people I rehomed him with showed me a picture this past week - his comb & wattles are huge. Of my four remaining hens one looks just like yours, two have larger combs that layover to the side and one is less developed than yours. I've been getting eggs a little over a week

As for the spurs- I don't know, a few years back I had a light brown leghorn hen that had a pair
They were not as big as those sported by a rooster but they were there!
Thanks for your help everyone

I really do hope she is a she!
Personally, I don't mind the noise roosters make but I live in a urban area and my neighbors would go crazy if I had a rooster crowing.
She is the first chicken I hatched so she's my little baby! :p
As for the spurs- I don't know, a few years back I had a light brown leghorn hen that had a pair
They were not as big as those sported by a rooster but they were there!
Yep - spurs and/or spur bumps that don't become actual spurs are quite common on females, just as it is not unusual to see a spurless cockerel/rooster -- the presence or absence of spurs is an entirely unreliable way to sex poultry, especially when all other indications make the gender very clear.
Yes, that's a pullet
. She looks like she's close to laying too.

It's not uncommon for Hens to get spurs. I have a couple that have spurs that are over one inch long. Hen's spurs are usually straighter and smaller than Roosters though.

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