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Oh no! The good news is our front yard is already fenced in. Basic fencing that may need some chicken wire ran around it (maybe?). Fence is about 3 feet tall. I def don't want predators eating my babies. Husband wants to build it instead of buy it too. He used to be a carpenter so at least we have that going for us lol.Better get on that ASAP. Biggest mistake (and I did it to) is not having the coop already set to go before the birds arrive.
It is nearly impossible to find a prefab big enough to house more than 2-3 birds. The biggest ones would probably be the "Over EZ" coops but you will need to add more ventilation and move the roosts around in those, plus add in a run as well unless you're planning to free range all day.
For 8 standard birds you are looking at a coop that's 32 sq ft minimum, with a run that's 80 sq ft minimum. 8 ft of roost, 8 sq ft of ventilation (more in hotter climates, but you did not specify), 2-3 nest boxes. This is a recently post 32 sq ft coop with pretty good layout modifications to give you an idea of what you'd want to aim for: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/our-oak-abode-chicken-coop.1582249/
Is free range better than having a run? Both? What's the take on that? Tons of chicken questions over here lol.
We are hoping to have the coop up by first week of july >_< Lady at Tractor Supply told me I didn't need a coop for a couple months, and could just keep them in a super large bin for now. Two of the little ladies are already testing their jumping skills and can almost jump onto the box lip. Lol. Yay me!