Can baby chicks get scaly leg mites? And how to prevent it.


Feb 2, 2024
I'm in the process of attempting to get rid of a small scaly leg mite infestation. I'm treating the older chickens but I also have a lot of chicks. The youngest ones are a month old. How should I go about treating/preventing scaly leg mites in them? I don't want them to end up with a bad case of leg mites luckily only a couple of my chickens a 4 year old hen and rooster look like that. But I can see signs of leg mites in some other chickens. I don't think that the chicks have been exposed to them yet. They are in a different part of the yard but there are wild birds everywhere so...

Thanks 😁
Have you provided a dust bath for them? This would be very beneficial for them.
For the chicks or for the adults?
The adults have a huge fenced in area with lots of spots that they dust themselves in. The chicks run has harder ground that they probably can't use as a dust bath. Should I give them something to us as a dust bath?
Yes, or at least I would! I don't have problems with mites because I have sandy soil. Both chicks and adults have dust baths so between their own preening and dust bathing, I think this is how they avoid mites.
Yes, or at least I would! I don't have problems with mites because I have sandy soil. Both chicks and adults have dust baths so between their own preening and dust bathing, I think this is how they avoid mites.
Should I give my chicks and/or adults some sand to use? I don't have sandy soil at least not with the chickens. It's more just dusty dirt that they use.
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dusty soil is great for a dust bath but even better if you add a little sand. I don't know how I got so lucky with this soil being the perfect dustbath. It's a dusty dirt, sand combo and I used to add DE and wood ash but they didn't seem to like any better than just soil and sand.
Treat all the adults effectively and the chicks won't get them.
They spread pretty slowly.
How are you treating the adults?
Should I give my chicks and/or adults some sand to use? I don't have sandy soil at least not with the chickens. It's more just dusty dirt that they use.
The dusty dirt is good, add wood ash if possible, and some food grade diatomaceous earth, or garden lime, and your bird will be big free,
I have a couple old car tires filled with dirt wood ash and food grade diagnosis earth, and my bird look happy and shiny as can be,with zero bugs

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