Can chickens swim?

Yeah um.. this goes to StormHorse23. What the heck is the matter with you that is not funny. Animals have feelings too!
The blue person is u.
From my experience, chicks can "swim". I placed my buff orpington-who was about a month old- and she just sat and floated on the water. She didn't kick her feet but when I got her out her tummy was soaked. As of right now, I rinsed her off with the hose since our pool had been treated and had some clorine- better safe than sorry-. She is doing fine right now. So yah, they can "swim"
I am at a conference and my wife called and stated that one of our adult rhode island reds flew into the horse watering trough.
After 20 minutes it sure was glad to get out.

Well, that chicken could swim.
I know this thread is old but I wanted to tell what I think about if chickens can swim or not. Well chickens can swim. I did not have this from personal expereance but on a YouTube video chickens where swimming. And the where swimming pretty well to. The only reason chickens prefer not to go in water is because chickens feathers soak up a lot of water and get really heavy which makes it harder to swim than water birds. Chickens are not suppost to swim but can. They do not have the oily coating water birds have on their feathers since they aren't water birds.
My older chickens only drink from the duck pond but the chicks, well they play chicken with it, they stand on one side and one a time try to flyrun (yes I said flyrun we've all seen them do it on land) across the pond it's kinda funny to watch but I do keep a close eye on the when they are around the pond
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It depends on the breed. I have had two personal experiences with this question. I have 24 bantams and one of my Cochins fell in my pool. She definitely couldn't swim and I think would have drowned had I not gotten her out in time. Tonight one of my 6 week old Americanas flew out of the chicken yard before I got them all in their house. I chased her and she flew into the lake --way out in the lake. I ran and got a net and took my canoe out--it was also thundering with a strong wind. When I got to her she was almost back to the bank so I guess she was swimming or the wind blew her. Anyway she didn't sink like the Cochin. So, yes, I think some of them can at least float and hopefully won't drown.
At least one of our leghorns will wind up in our pool every summer. They float very well for a while. I have never left them in until they either swim out or drown.

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