Can hens carry/pass on their past illnesses through their fertile eggs/chicks?

Some illnesses can be passed to the egg.

Have you taken your sick birds to the vet to be diagnosed?
Are they being treated?

I haven't brought them to the vet as yet. Although it was my first thought, I was instructed by a knowledgable guy at the food and grain store to give a mash mix of fresh oregano leaves, Turmeric, and garlic to see if this helps. He said if symptoms persist If not he said to go to the vet for a further check up
Agreed, but there's also the issue of potentially introducing a respiratory issue into someone else's flock, which is unforgivable IMO.

100% agreed!! I have a feeling these chicks flock in the past had the same issues which have now been passed onto me- and it has been a nightmare so I would never ever want to pass it onto someone else. Hence why I thought I'd ask around.
A lot of times feed store employees only experience with chicks/chickens is selling them to make the store money.
Just because they work their does not make them a chicken expert, so be careful about what you choose to believe from them.

I know what you mean! In this case he wasn't trying to sell me anything from his shop- I grow my own garlic, oregano and already had organic turmeric in the spice cupboard- but I do know what you mean! I initially thought it was a long shot that his suggestion would actually work but thought it was worth a try for the time being
I am a believer in preventative natural (food) "medicine"...
But I would not trust it to heal...just my opinion.
As an added measure, if you have a quarantine coop, which I do, for problem hens (eating eggs) to see if I can rehabilitate that behavior, and a further grow out if I need it. At the moment, I have one egg eater, and some coronation Sussex/FBC crosses I plan to butcher, and don't want to introduce them to a flock. She should be producing eggs, if there aren't any after several days, and we find evidence of shells, eating her own eggs, then she will meet an inevitable end. If you don't have a quarantine coop, that may be a good idea. That way, if you notice a problem like you are having they can be immediately taken out of general population. Those can be taken to your vet, and then you can see if the cause, and if it has potentially infected your general population. If it has, it is sad, but you may need to reboot. That means putting down a whole population. If it is really bad, your local State Health inspector will put you under quarantine for a year.

Part of having an NPIP license is doing your best to act responsibly and professionally to flock illnesses. If you don't, you could find yourself in a world of hurt you just don't need over a hatching egg sale, or a chick sale. I would rather put down an entire flock rather than pass anything dangerous to someone else's. Additionally, during the slow times of year we eat our eggs, and I wouldn't want my family eating anything contaminated.
I am a believer in preventative natural (food) "medicine"...
But I would not trust it to heal...just my opinion.
Totally agree!
I am a believer in preventative natural (food) "medicine"...
But I would not trust it to heal...just my opinion.
Totally agree! I am absolutely bummed out about the situation. I've had chickens for 5+ years and decided to try out fertile eggs/incubation.. And the first trio of Australorps I purchased have ended up sick! What makes it worse is how attached I've become to them
Apologies if my post inferred that you were not concerned for other peoples' flock - I understand that is why you are asking.

The bottom line is a vets diagnosis - only then can you make plans.

Good luck
How's your chickens poop?
It varies. Sometimes looks perfect with a dot of white on top, sometimes wet and sloppy. The main culprit of the flock has a pale face and as a 9 month old, it's comb seems under developed compared to my other hen. Like mentioned in my initial post though- she seems very happy and is eating/drinking and acting normal!
It varies. Sometimes looks perfect with a dot of white on top, sometimes wet and sloppy. The main culprit of the flock has a pale face and as a 9 month old, it's comb seems under developed compared to my other hen. Like mentioned in my initial post though- she seems very happy and is eating/drinking and acting normal!
Can you post a few pictures.
Are they all the same breed?

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