Can I and how would I do it?


Apr 7, 2022
Live Oak, Florida
I created something, not sure how.
He's definitely splash but his spots look almost mauve/chocolate.
Before coming hereI was told it may be red covering it, as his dad had red?
But now I'm being told i should try and make more of his color, but I don't know how.
He was a satin/Cochin cross that mainly happened because his mama went broody and she just happened to be in with a Cochin rooster.
I'll upload pictures of parents later, busy atm. But his mom was a frizzle splash satin, his father looked almost lemon blue but or at least a project for that color/cross if it. Full cochin though.
He's essentially a leaky splash so breeding him back to his mother will probably produce more males like him, but females won't look quite like that.

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