Can I Do This?


9 Years
Oct 20, 2010
Triad Region, North Carolina
Anyone know if I can dry out store bought egg shells and crush them to feed for a laying hen? I already am aware of the risks of feeding egg shells to hens, with the risk of them eating their own eggs. But If I crush them small enough into a grain it should be okay? Just a bad winter storm here and no way to local feed store for oyster shells. Is there any dangers in feeding "Store Bought" egg shells?
I'd bake them first and then crush them. I think it would be just fine.
No, just the empty shells! Sorry, wasn't clear enough. I was thinking you were going to use the eggs in baking or something and would have the wet shells left to deal with. If you're going to boil the eggs, then after peeling the eggs dry and crush them before giving them to your hens, should be just fine.
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If they're eggs from the store, though, I'd bake the empty shells before feeding them to the chickens. Just in case they're carrying any bacteria in the eggs.

Canned tuna is okay to feed them, too.
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