Can i leave my ducks outside at night?


Apr 13, 2021
My ducks are 7 weeks old and pretty much fully feathered. They stay outside all day and I bring them in at night but I’m trying to move them out full time as soon as possible because they smell sooo bad lol. They have an 8x8 predator and rain proof enclosure with straw on the ground that I will close them in at night. It should not reach anywhere below 50°F where I live so I’m wondering if anyone knows how much longer I’ll have to wait to keep them outside at night, or if I can start doing it now. The first picture is from a couple days ago and the other two are from today to show how much their feathers are grown in. Thank you :)


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the rouen and khaki are both males, cayuga might be as well
How do you know for sure? I thought the only accurate way to sex rouens at 7 weeks is by their voice/quack and it sounds a lot like a female to me but i’m not 100% sure yet. Is there other ways to know?
You are a trooper for making it so long with them in the house. Lol
I put mine outside at 3 1/2ish weeks old. I couldn’t take the mess and smell, plus they were getting so big so fast!
I did give them heat for a couple weeks, but they have been off it for a while now. They do just fine:) Yours will be fine outside with no heat now.
Beautiful group btw!
You are a trooper for making it so long with them in the house. Lol
I put mine outside at 3 1/2ish weeks old. I couldn’t take the mess and smell, plus they were getting so big so fast!
I did give them heat for a couple weeks, but they have been off it for a while now. They do just fine:) Yours will be fine outside with no heat now.
Beautiful group btw!
Thank you so much! Tonight will be their first night outside I’m a little nervous but I know they’ll be safe. This is my first time ever raising ducks and I’ve never had chickens or any other outside animals so I’m doing every single thing I can to make sure they’re happy and safe :) I love my babies lol.

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