Can i leave my ducks outside at night?

I'm just throwing my opinion in, but I'm only seeing the khaki drake. The ones that you suspect are hens have they ever even once made a honky/loud quack? Or are they raspy.
Three of them have a loud honky quack and my friend who has lots of experience raising ducks has confirmed they have female quacks and the khaki still just squawks and is starting to get a little bit raspy so I’m thinking that one is a male. If I end up with more than one male my friend and I will trade a couple so I can keep one male to three females. If the male ever gets too aggressive to any of them I’ll make sure to move him to my friends farm, I really care about them so I always have backup plans to keep them safe and happy
Three of them have a loud honky quack and my friend who has lots of experience raising ducks has confirmed they have female quacks and the khaki still just squawks and is starting to get a little bit raspy so I’m thinking that one is a male. If I end up with more than one male my friend and I will trade a couple so I can keep one male to three females. If the male ever gets too aggressive to any of them I’ll make sure to move him to my friends farm, I really care about them so I always have backup plans to keep them safe and happy
It sounds like you know how to differentiate their genders well and you have a great plan for them!
It sounds like you know how to differentiate their genders well and you have a great plan for them!
Yes I did a lot of research months ahead of time before I got them. I’ve been wanting ducks since I was a kid but my parents refused to get them for me so right when I turned 16 and got my license almost 2 months ago I drove to the nearest farm store and picked some up. They’ve made my life so much more exciting and I can’t wait to spend this summer watching them grow into adults
I just wanna say that khaki drake is gorgeous! I have one, but he's just a couple weeks old.. hopefully he looks like yours when he feathers out!
I wasn’t sure what breed he was at first because of the cool markings on his beak and feet plus the white bib that he’s had since he was a baby. I’m still not sure if he’s completely khaki campbell because I got them from a mix of all types of breeds but I honestly don’t mind, he’s the cutest! Here’s some more pictures of him from the past two months, they grow up too fast :love


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I wasn’t sure what breed he was at first because of the cool markings on his beak and feet plus the white bib that he’s had since he was a baby. I’m still not sure if he’s completely khaki campbell because I got them from a mix of all types of breeds but I honestly don’t mind, he’s the cutest! Here’s some more pictures of him from the past two months, they grow up too fast :love
I feel the same way about my sweetheart. She looks a lot like yours, with a bow tie and even a little white under her bill.


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My ducks are 7 weeks old and pretty much fully feathered. They stay outside all day and I bring them in at night but I’m trying to move them out full time as soon as possible because they smell sooo bad lol. They have an 8x8 predator and rain proof enclosure with straw on the ground that I will close them in at night. It should not reach anywhere below 50°F where I live so I’m wondering if anyone knows how much longer I’ll have to wait to keep them outside at night, or if I can start doing it now. The first picture is from a couple days ago and the other two are from today to show how much their feathers are grown in. Thank you :)
I'm in southeast Pennsylvania. I hatched khaki Cambells on May 12th. I kept them in a plastic bin in my shower stall, with a heat lamp over them, for 3 days. Then I moved them to a large trough in the barn with a heavy hardware cloth lid for protection from from predators and their heat lamp overhead. A couple days later I removed the heat lamp during the day and opened all the barn doors for fresh air and sun light. I closed the doors and turned on their heat lamp at night. When they were 1 week old I moved them to a temporary run on grass, close to the house, where I can see them from the kitchen window. They have an upturned 1/2 barrel so they could snuggle out of the weather. But no heat lamp. Day time temps reached into the 90's here last week. They drained their 1 gallon waterer so quickly that I gave them a concrete mixing pan as a little swimming pool. I usually wouldn't do that until 4 weeks old as I do worry that they will trample and drown each other. But it was so stinking hot and they really seem to enjoy it. Yesterday the weather turned cold again. Yesterday was in the 40's and poured rain. Today, May 30th, it's 50° at noon. My ducklings are swimming and lounging in the tall grass just as they did all through yesterday's downpour. It's cold, windy, wet, and overcast and they're not even huddled together. They are only 19 days old. I can't leave a heat lamp out in the rain and they're too big and active to put them back in the trough in the barn. Our barn is used for tools and construction materials so they really must be in a waterproof container if they're to spend even 1 night. Their official duck house is currently occupied by 14 roosters who are ready for freezer camp. The unseasonably warm weather last week killed me into thinking I had more time. I've got some work ahead of me before I get my ducklings into a their coop. I doubt I'll give them a heat lamp because I think they are hardier than they look. Grown ducks will spend a lot of time in the shade in hot weather if given the choice. I might just throw a tarp over stakes and a clothesline, pup tent style, and call it good enough for a second rainy day.

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