Can I mow the grass then let the chickens and ducks out to free range on it?

Once the grass is cut it's not long, it's chopped up.
Thank you for you input. :)
If it's a mulching mower you should be ok.

Or if you want to discourage them from gorging on it, give the mowed grass a day or two to dry out, and then the birds will find it less tasty and eat less of it.
That's good input. We can mow 1 strip a day to get rid of the thigh long grass.
Fresh grass daily and keeps you from having to break a sweat mowing. Depending on how big the yard is, you may have a never-ending supply… the first section could be regrown and ready for mowing by the time you hit the rest!
I think that the thing is to avoid excessively long cuttings because of their crop.

I agree 100%, but with a catch: our little juvenile Silkie (6 mos old next week) that had Wry Neck in late June through early August now has an Impaction issue.

Trying to get her cleared is proving challenging to say the least, and the stools she leaves have grass clippings in them - not a good sign... We even talked about having left a few handfuls of clippings for her and her sister in their segregated run about 2-3 weeks ago, possibly causing (or at least exacerbating) her current blockage :-(

Oddly enough, our birds have gotten clippings in their run for years, not regularly, but enough that it could be an issue. Thus, my caution above :)

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