Can I take pullets out of quarantine?

Yakisugi Coop

Oct 25, 2020
Fort Collins, Colorado
My Coop
My Coop
I have had two pullets (now 17 weeks old) in quarantine for nearly a month. They seem to be very healthy and happy--they are eating and drinking fine and are perky, energetic, curious, and sweet. The only thing I've noticed is that they seem to have liquidy poops/diarrhea. I've read that this can be caused by various chicken diseases, but also stress and hot weather. They were stressed initially when they were moved to our backyard because of course chickens don't like change. And now that summer is upon us it has been very hot. So given the absence of other symptoms, I'm wondering if it would be OK to start the integration process in a few days (we'll start with the "see but don't touch" approach--it won't be immediate integration). Thoughts?

Here's a photo of one of them, just for fun:


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What is the temperature there now? Hot like everywhere else? Is the coop sitting in the sun?
Good on you for the quarantine.
As a precautionary measure before integration, it would be instructive to have a fecal sample read.
I assume you've looked them over for lice and mites.
It's been in the 80s and 90s F. Their coop has a bit of direct light first thing in the morning but is otherwise totally shaded throughout the day. No mites or lice as far as I can tell. They have been losing some feathers, but I assume that's normal? This is my first time with pullets.

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