Can I throw this in the composter.....what will happen?


8 Years
Feb 28, 2011
Buffalo NY
I cleaned out the straw/poo/sand from my chicken coop finally, and had it in a bin to till into the garden. Well, laziness got the best of me, and now the garden is planted, and the bin has been rained in, resulting in a stinky messy....mess.

As I said, it is just mainly straw, with ample amounts of poo, and SOME sand. Oh....and rain. It's not a pool, but pretty moist. My question is, should I just junk it, or can I put it into my composter? There is very little in there now, just a bit of food scraps. So....yeah.....what should I do with this icky stuff?
I think it would be great to add into the compost. You know, you want moisture in the compost, If it is too wet, then maybe you could lay it by the compost bin to dry a little. Anyway, what I would do is to just put it directly around your nitrogen loving plants, they say that fresh chicken poop is high in nitrogen so it may "burn" the plant, but I have put the bedding from my chicks and ducks that I was raising around our tomatoes and they just came alive. I think that It will be a great slow release fertilizer for mature nitrogen loving plants. Also, the fact that it has been "washed" probably helps reduce the nitrogen content a bit. Some other benefits you'll get from putting it right around the plants is moisture retention and weed suppression. What ever you choose to do with it, just don't throw all that "good stuff" away.
We add ash from our fires to the chicken poop to reduce the acidity. Works very well and quickly too.

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