Can I use fish zole and tylan at the same time for canker and maybe secondary infection


8 Years
Oct 8, 2015
My Brahma has a canker it flared up when she went broody. I usually keep it in check with copper sulfate once a month in water and ACV also in water when not using sulfate. Well she was in broody jail and became weak. I was able to get some of the canker out with a scraper. But she is not eating now. So I’m not sure if she picked up another infection. She picks at food like she wants to eat but doesn’t eat it. The canker doesn’t look too big like it’s blocking her from eating. But she is very weak standing around with her tail down. I used a syringe got some Greek yogurt and water with ACV in it in her last 2 days. She has been broody over a week and the canker I noticed signs about 3-4 days ago I thought might be canker flare up. But figured she is just broody. Started treating her today with fish zole after noticed not eating for a few days that I’ve seen. But not sure if I can/should also treat with tylan because maybe it’s something else she picked up making her not want to eat. Checked for everything else don’t see any other symptoms.
Canker can infect not only inside the mouth, but also in the esophagus and crop. Birds cant eat when the esophagus and/or crop is infected with the canker lesions. They starve to death.
It would be best to continue monthly treatments with Acidified Copper Sulfate to keep it in check. Keep in mind that canker is contagious to other birds via waterers and infected birds are carriers.
It might be best to cull your Brahma. Also consider inspecting inside the mouth of your other birds.
I dont see Tylan being effective in this situation since it's an antibiotic. Canker is a protozoa.
Canker can infect not only inside the mouth, but also in the esophagus and crop. Birds cant eat when the esophagus and/or crop is infected with the canker lesions. They starve to death.
It would be best to continue monthly treatments with Acidified Copper Sulfate to keep it in check. Keep in mind that canker is contagious to other birds via waterers and infected birds are carriers.
It might be best to cull your Brahma. Also consider inspecting inside the mouth of your other birds.
I dont see Tylan being effective in this situation since it's an antibiotic. Canker is a protozoa.
Ok I thought maybe she got a secondary infection so thought maybe something else. I just started with fish zole half a pill in morning half in evening. But im not giving up yet on her. She is still out and about with the others
Canker can infect not only inside the mouth, but also in the esophagus and crop. Birds cant eat when the esophagus and/or crop is infected with the canker lesions. They starve to death.
It would be best to continue monthly treatments with Acidified Copper Sulfate to keep it in check. Keep in mind that canker is contagious to other birds via waterers and infected birds are carriers.
It might be best to cull your Brahma. Also consider inspecting inside the mouth of your other birds.
I dont see Tylan being effective in this situation since it's an antibiotic. Canker is a protozoa.
I just started her yesterday on aqua zole. How long does it usually take to work?
Hopefully within 7 days. Here's a link for you to take a look at regarding canker:
Thanks so much for responding and the info. I had 2 die about a year ago from what I think was canker. But this time im prepared and have all types of meds and have read a lot on it. But they are my pets and I understand they will all probably have it. But too late now they all live together so I just have to deal with it.
Hopefully within 7 days. Here's a link for you to take a look at regarding canker:
So she is finally not not broody for about 2 days now she is out and about with the others runs to me for treats but doesn’t eat. She pecks towards the food but puts nothing in her mouth. Im giving her one whole pill a day now so if her throat was blocked the pill or baby food I’m feeding her wouldn’t go down. So any thoughts why she pecks towards the food but doesn’t put anything in her mouth?

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