Can laying hens eat starter/grower feed?


Jun 16, 2022
Hey y’all. So my chickens are on purina starter/grower feed and they just started laying eggs. The eggs have really hard shells and seem very healthy. I also have some chicks that are around 6-7 weeks old. I don’t wanna have to buy two different feeds for them so would it be okay to continue feeding my laying hens starter/grower feed? They all free range my yard and I don’t wanna have to switch their feed and buy two different type if I don’t have to. Thanks everyone 🙂
Yes they can. The only issue might be calcium. I'd offer oyster shell on the side so the ones that need it for the shells can get it. With your eggshells being hard now they are getting calcium from somewhere, may be the rocks in your soil if it is limestone. But offering oyster shell on the side should be good insurance for the future.
All mine eat grower with shell on the side and are doing very well on it.
I'm glad I looked into this question about grower feed For laying hens... The organic brand I use just so happen to like the "grower formula" better than their layer feed. The layer feed uses flax oil and the grower feed uses flax meal, no oils. I don't think seed And vegetable oils are a good idea in commercial products.

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